Fake Flowers on Cacti – What a Con. Buyer BEWARE!!!

One of my pet peeves is the straw flowers they add to cacti. Not only is it cruel to stick a sharp stick into the flesh of the cacti it is misleading to the unsuspecting buyer.

Cacti with straw flower attached with stick
Cactus with a straw flowers

This is one of the first cacti I purchased and I was not aware such a practice existed. It was only when my husband pointed out that the flowers had not changed in two months I inspected the cacti a little more closely. You can imagine my horror when I discovered the flowers were attached to a cocktail stick which was thrust deep into the flesh of the cactus.

I carefully removed the sticks and the poor plant was left with two gaping holes.

straw flowers on cacti - what a con!
straw flowers on cacti – what a con!

Do you feel this is acceptable or misleading?



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