Portugal: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in June

Shame on me. I completely forgot to write my monthly vegetable diary for May and I only took one photograph of the raised vegetable area.

Raised vegetable garden 30th May 2012
Raised vegetable garden 30th May 2012

In my defence, I was away for several weeks so my garden was left very much to its own devices. Unfortunately this created problems with bugs and of course my container grown tomato plants

Another lesson learned is not to leave leeks in the ground too long as they run to seed, the centres become rock hard which then makes them inedible. All the leeks pictured above were recycled on the compost heap. “Waste not, want not” as they say…

Raised vegetable garden 23rd June 2012
Raised vegetable garden 23rd June 2012

Since returning to Portugal I’ve spent all my spare time in the garden and I’m finally reaping the rewards.

Plum cordon tomatoes
Plum cordon tomatoes

The cherry tomatoes bought from the local village shop look like plum tomatoes – strange I could have sworn I specifically asked for cherry! Another “lost in translation” frustration. I remember the guy saying they were cordon and “BOM?” as he smiled and nodded his head enthusiastically.

Orange Bell Pepper Plant
Orange Bell Pepper Plant

I transferred a couple of the orange bell pepper plants from their containers to the raised vegetable bed as the leaves were turning yellow and beginning to curl. I think the pots were probably too small and the plants were not getting enough nutrients. They certainly look much happier now. The next batch of peppers will be planted in much bigger containers!

However, I hope these are orange peppers and not green. After the tomato misunderstanding they could be anything.

French beans - variety, contender
French beans – variety, contender

French beans are really expensive here in Portugal so I planted a couple of rows of “Contender” This is a dwarf bush variety. I can’t grow anything up tall canes here on the coast as they would just blow away. I grew this variety last year and they were perfect.

Aubergine seedling planted 16th June
Aubergine seedling planted 16th June

I bought these Aubergine plugs for just 20 cents each from the local hardware shop. They were already in flower which I’m not sure was a good thing? They struggled for several days after planting, but now seem to be holding their own. The flowers are dying off and maybe, just maybe a baby aubergine will appear shortly. I decided against planting in containers on this occasion as there was room in the raised area.

I’m still pulling carrots planted from seed earlier in the year, and the green and red cabbage continue to do well.


One of my Olive trees
One of my Olive trees

I discovered, one of my olive trees has lots of tiny olives. However, not so delighted to discover fluffy white bugs, possibly mealy bugs, have taken up residence!

My first orange tree
My first orange tree

This is my first attempt to grow an orange tree and so far, although the odds are stacked against success as they dislike salt winds, so far so good. This is a winter fruiting variety and already it has several tiny oranges. Fingers crossed!

Nespera tree
Nespera tree

The harvest from the Nespera tree was extremely disappointing this year with only six fruit. Someone kindly pointed out there were to many stems coming from the bottom of the tree and it resembled a buh, not a tree! After some drastic pruning we have our fingers crossed for a more successful harvest next year!

Food From Seed
5/6 Planted some of Joan’s black carrot seeds. I’ve never eaten black carrots before so it will be an interesting experience. In fact, I’ve never seen a black carrot!
7/6 Planted Mexcla Baby lettuce leaf seeds (Ensalada Asiatica) purchased from the Horticultural centre in Portimaõ.
11/6 planted spinach seeds

Related posts:
How did I kill my tomato plants?
Portugal: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in April
April: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in Pots
Portugal: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in March
Portugal: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in February
Portugal: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in January
Portugal: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in December

58 thoughts on “Portugal: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in June

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  1. Brilliant. Looks like your obsession is paying off! And what a healthy obsession to have – I’m totally with you there. Here in Spain cherry tomatoes are conveniently known as ‘cherrys’ so not much chance of confusion, which is lucky as they are the only type that I have any success with. I have given up on the others as being too delicate for my clumsy attempts but the cherries are fantastically prolific and hardy.


  2. Wonderful green thumb.I love gardening, haven’t been able to do much these past years thanks for sharing.Brings back beautiful memories.


  3. Black carrots? I’ve never even heard of them, so I will be interested to see how they grow and what they look and taste like; I’m hoping you post some pics of them Carole!
    Leaving a vegetable garden whilst on holiday can be a heartbreaking sight on returning, that happened to me when I went to the UK for a month last year. Had to start again. However, you now seem to have things under control once more after a lot of hard work and lots of hours, and you are an inspiration because your garden looks so healthy.
    What do you use to get rid of the mealy bugs on the olive trees?


  4. Beautiful garden! I’m so jealous of your olive tree. Wishing you all the best with your planting this year : )


    1. Hi MAra, what a shame about your tangerine tree. It had such beautiful blossom I remember earlier in the year. I do keep my orange tree well watered. But my was it hot down in the Algarve yesterday and today. I could not live there…I nearly evaporated!


      1. The problem is that because of blight I need to sterilise the inside, so it would damage any plants. We do have a little olive tree in the garden that’s slowly growing.


  5. I look forward to hearing how your carrots taste. I’ve never even heard of black carrots. I love new & different veggies. Cool!
    Your plants and trees all look so healthy and happy. I wish I could grow olive and citrus trees.
    Your pepper reminds me of my orange peppers. I paid way too much for 15 seeds that are supposed to be orange peppers. So far they’re green and I’m hoping that they’ll change to orange soon or I’m going to be unhappy.

    It’s always a pleasure to see your gardening photos and here how you’re doing. I still say you should write a book for others to use for gardening if they move to Portugal.
    Keep up the great work, your success looks delicious. 🙂


    1. Hi EC
      I’ve never seen black carrots so it will be interesting to see how they turn out.
      I wonder how long the orange ones take to change colour. Some of my red pepper plants in pots are already changing and are really quite big.

      The citrus trees, to be honest, are a challenge as we live so close to the sea. Time will tell if the blossom survise to turn into furit and then the fruit develops before the Atlantic winds blow them away. Bu I’m stubborn


  6. Hello, I’ve been having worm issues on my herbs so I created a natural spray at home. 1 quart of water blended with 1 chopped onion, several cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of hot red pepper flakes. Blend, then add 1 Tablespoon of dish soap. I spray on my herbs morning and night and it seems to be helping a lot! Happy Gardening!


  7. Your veg are well ahead of ours, even the ones in the polytunnel. And aubergines! Why didn’t I think of growing some. Maybe it’s not too late to start …
    Most of my lettuces bolted but the guinea pigs have enjoyed them!


  8. Can I swear? Bloody amazing. I would be so proud of myself if I had a veg garden like that. At the moment I have only coconuts and maybe possibly a pumpkin plant!


  9. Hi,
    Isn’t it amazing how quickly the gardens seem to go from beautiful to a bit of a disaster when we go for a holiday, but you have done a fantastic job getting them looking wonderful again, a lot of work but you can easily see the results. 🙂


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