Chocolate Chouriço (Morcela de Chocolate)

Chocolate Chouriço
Chocolate Chouriço

Or perhaps better known as Chocolate Salami!

Chocolate Salami is very popular in the Algarve and is a great biscuity-cake to serve with tea or coffee. It’s extremely rich so it’s wise to cut the slices as thin as possible. I can only assume the name comes from its chouriço sausage-like appearance. So after my recent visit to the Feira dos Enchidos Tradicionais de Serra de Monchique (Sausage fair) I thought it would be great fun to make a chouriço sausage, but a ‘Chocolate Chouriço’.

It’s extremely simple to prepare and requires no cooking!

175gr cocoa or chocolate powder
200gr soft brown sugar
125 gr butter
4egg yolks
200g plain biscuits

Lay the biscuits on a board or flat dish and break into pieces, but not crumbs. (I used the end of a wooden rolling-pin)

Add the sugar, chocolate powder and butter to large mixing bowl and beat well. (I did not pay attention to the chocolate powder and when I started to beat the mixture with my whisk, the powder blew into the air and went everywhere, and I mean everywhere!

Stir in the egg yolks and biscuit pieces. The consistency should resemble a reasonably firm paste. Carefully roll mixture into a sausage and wrap firmly in greaseproof paper. (Like the skin of a Chouriço the sausage)

Roll in to a sausage shape and wrap in grease proof paper
Roll in to a sausage shape and wrap in grease proof paper

refrigerate overnight to harden.

Remove greaseproof paper and cut into 1cm slices to serve.
Store for up to three days in the refrigerator (if it lasts that long).

Perfect to share with friends with tea or coffee.


1. I made far too much so I cut the chocolate sausage in half, sliced into 1cm slices and then wrapped in individual portions before freezing. Not sure if it freezes well, but would have been sick as a pig if I’d eaten all of this so it was worth experimenting!

The only downside of this recipe is that I’m left with four egg whites. Any suggestions please how I can utilize these in other recipes?

40 thoughts on “Chocolate Chouriço (Morcela de Chocolate)

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  1. I know these by their more prosaic moniker – refrigerator biscuits! Yours look fantastic with their marbled appearance!
    What to do with egg whites? Macaroons or meringue!


  2. “Chouriço de Chocolate” it’s a new for me, we usually call it “Morcela de Chocolate” because it resembles morcela (blood sausage) much more than chouriço (meat sausage) and yes the “fancy” name it’s Salame de Chocolate. We usually do Farófias with the remaing egg white, my mother recipe it’s very simple:
    Beat the egg whites with a pinch of lemon. Add sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Heat 500ml milk and some sugar until just simmering. Poach spoonfuls of egg white mixture in the milk for some minutes on each side. Remove with a slotted spoon in to a bowl, when all the egg white mixture is “cooked” pour in the remaing milk to the bowl and add cinnamon.


  3. This recipe sounds super rich and delicious. Your photos make me want to reach in and try a piece of it. Yummy! 🙂

    You can use egg whites just like regular eggs in baking or cooking. I think the equivalent is 2 egg whites = 1 whole egg.
    A bonus is that egg whites are supposed to be better for you than the yolks are because of the cholesterol in the yolks is higher or something like that. You may want to look that up to see for sure.

    I’m so tempted to try this recipe but use applesauce instead of the raw egg yolks. I don’t know if it would work for sure, but it would be worth a try. For the most part, in my neck of the woods, raw eggs are no-no for fear of salmonella poisoning.

    Thanks so much for sharing this divinely tempting recipe. If I give it a try I’ll make a post about it and let you know if it’s a failure or a success. 😉


      1. I halved this recipe and used applesauce instead of the egg yolks. Mine didn’t gel or get firm. I had to put it in the freezer for an hour before I sliced it. It tasted good, but it was ever so gooey. 🙂


  4. Oh I would love a slice please, it´s been ages since I made this, it used to be my kids favourite cake when they were younger. You could try “Farófias” or Clouds, another great Portuguese dessert. If you make a custard with powder from a tin (not the home made kinds as that would use up the yolks). You just need to beat the egg whites with a pinch of cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Add 100gr sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Heat 500ml milk, 25ml sugar and 1 vanilla pod (or 1 tsp vanilla essence) until just simmering. Remove the pod. Poach spoonfuls of egg white mixture in the milk for 2 minutes on each side. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towel until all egg whites finished. Make a custard which you pour into a glass serving dish and arrange the egg white clouds on top. Dust with ground cinnamon or caramel sauce. You can darken the clouds under the grill for a few seconds if you like. Also delicious and a childhood favourite. In fact a friend just make it for my birthday last week and it brought back memories.


  5. I’d love to come over for a cuppa and enjoy a piece of that yummy biscuity cake with you Carole! I’d be interested to know how it freezes.
    With the left over egg whites you could make a base for a pavlova, or as a topping for a lemon meringue pie!
    I’ll be back for some of that if you make it!
    btw, cocoa is stronger than drinking chocolate.


  6. In my house, “bolo de bolacha” is usually made at the same time as “salame de chocolate”, so you use the whites on one and the yolks in the other. The down (?) side of it is the overload of sweets you suddenly get.
    Salame freezes ok, but I’ve only seen it done in foil.

    You got me craving some salame now…


    1. Hi Zebra, I love bolo de bolacha I will try this 🙂
      I note your spelling of salame de chocolate, I will amend the post above – thank you 🙂
      Much to my relief you are right the salame did freeze OK. I cut in to individual slices, wrapped each piece separately in greaseproof paper and then put in a plastic freezer bag. I tried some today.


  7. it looks lovely. Can I make it with cocoa powder rather than chocolate powder as can’t get chocolate powder here? I would make meringues as long as you have a machine to beat them with, then make a pavlova by smearing two circles of meringue onto greaseproof paper and then when cooked fill them with your gorgeous strawberries and lots of thick double cream – trouble is you may end up a tad of a podgy piglet after!


    1. Hi Lindsay,
      Yes you can make with cocoa, but just watch the strength. Is cocoa stronger than drinking chocolate? Not sure.
      I like the idea of the pavlova. Never cooked one so a good challenge!
      Thanks for the suggestion 🙂
      Piglet is already podgy as I’ve just stuffed too much of the chocolate chouriço


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