This is a tough post because I don't want it to come across as a whine. However, I hope this sign resonates with those who are frustrated due to reduced mobility and strikes a chord with them, like me. Anyway, I saw this sign in a local restaurant. It reminded me to stay positive and... Continue Reading →

Dieting – I Need a Dose of WillPower

On January 1st, 2024, I only made two New Year's resolutions: Abstain from alcohol for the month of January. Lose 15kg in weight by June 2024 I am proud to say I completed Dry January with flying colours, but the diet resolution and motivation are flagging. I didn't specify when in June or which year.... Continue Reading →

What’s for Lunch? Let’s Get Creative With Egg Muffins!

Since trying to maintain a gluten AND lactose free diet, plus attempting to lose weight, I've struggled with snack lunch ideas beyond fruit and lactose-free yoghurts. In the past, I've either eaten Ryvita style crispbreads or sandwiches with various fillings, so as you can see my imagination has struggled to find alternatives that do not... Continue Reading →

Delicious Cumin-spiced Carrot and Butternut Squash Soup

I haven’t cooked this delicious low calorie soup for a while so as I have some butternut squash in the freezer that needs eating what a great excuse. I have cooked many recipes from this book and they’ve ALL been delicious!

Piglet in Portugal

This recipe is courtesy of Greedy Girl’s Diet: Eat yourself slim with gorgeous, guilt-free food with permission of the author, Nadia Sawalha

I am always keen to try new recipes especially those which are filling and with not too many calories. My biggest problem with losing weight is that I only have to look at food and I pile on the pounds! I tried this recipe from the “Greedy Girl’s Diet” book and it was absolutely delicious!

Despite Mr. Piglet’s moaning and “tutting” the whole time I was cooking the soup that he did not like ginger or cumin, even he, despite his earlier reservations, agreed it was absolutely scrumptious!

Cumin-spiced carrot and butternut squash soup Cumin-spiced carrot and butternut squash soup


1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion peeled and finely chopped
3 garlic cloves peeled and finely chopped or crushed
1 red chilli (optional) deseeded if preferred and…

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