Piglet’s Salada da Favas – Broad Bean Salad

My original idea was to try Chica’s recipe of Broad Beans with Griddled Pork Belly, but silly me left the shopping list at home and I forgot to buy avocado pears. This is my version of the recipe which I served up hot one day with roast chicken, and as left-overs the following day as a salad. This is not only simple to prepare but absolutely delicious.

Piglet's Favas Salad
Salada da Favas

Broad beans
Lardons (chopped bacon pieces)
Chouriço Sausage (Pimento)
Chopped Garlic
Olive oil

Fry lardons and chouriço sausage until crispy in a dash of oil.
Just before they are cooked add the chopped garlic and fry for a further minute. Drain on some kitchen towel to remove excess fat.
Gently steam the broad beans (favas) until they are soft, but the skins have not gone all crinkly and hard. (I tested the largest bean with a knife.)
Once cooked put in a pretty serving dish and mix in the lardons and chouriço sausage. Season with pepper or chili pepper as preferred.

Serve hot or cold


We’ve had a great harvest of beans this year despite the plants being attacked by rust and then a plague of black fly.

Favas (Broad Beans) grown in my garden
Favas (Broad Beans) grown in my garden

33 thoughts on “Piglet’s Salada da Favas – Broad Bean Salad

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  1. This does look good – broad beans are one of the only things I’ve ever managed to successfully grow so I’ll definitely be trying this out.


  2. I love broad beans…but I’m too hot for them here.
    Still i’ll look out for some in the markets from growers higher up and try this recipe.
    i used to like the young, raw with a bit of hard goat cheese.


  3. Sounds delicious. I love broadbeans.
    For those who hate the grey skins, you can either take off the skins before cooking or try not leaving the broadbeans on the plant until those skins develop or, if you don’t grow your own, buy frozen baby broadbeans.


    1. Hi Mara, it is the disgusting hard grye skins that originally put me off. I had to pcik all my beans before they developed as the plants were attacked by a rustlike disease and were dying. Too much rain probably


  4. I used to hate broad beans without ever trying them. They are just one of those foods I think. Like liver. But then we grew some (beans, not livers) a couple of years ago and I tentatively had a try. Oh I love them!

    Nice easy but tasty recipe too. Right up my street! 🙂


    1. Hi Tosta,
      I hated broad beans with a passion. The disusting tough skins used to stick in my throat. Like you it was not until I grew the beans for Mr, Piglet and experimenting the best way to cook them, that I started to eat and enjoy them. 🙂


  5. I’m not sure why I hit the “Like” button Pip. GREAT article, but I HATE broad beans with a vengeance. My mother was the world’s worst cook, which MAY explain it, but oh, my, to me they are disgusting things!



  6. Sounds like a cool recipe. I never knew what lardons were. Really. Now I do – great post.

    You’ve set me thinking – I must admit that broad beans are not a favourite in our household. I recall as a kid being served up warm, flabby broad beans with tough grey skin ….Eccch… Funnily enough, my wife has exactly the same recollections of her childhood, so I guess tough-skinned broad beans was a Kiwi family meal tradition back then. Since then I’ve discovered delicious recipes for baby broad beans (tender & no tough grey covering) but i just cannot get past that childhood memory of chewy, flabby and rather bitter flavoured globs from the garden…But maybe it’s time to try.


    1. Hi Matthew, I think the trick is not to let them grow too big, and steam them gently in a colander. The garlic, lardons and chouriço completely change the taste. To be honest I felt the same about broad beans unitl I grew my own, and steamed rather than boile them.


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