SoS: A Mixed Bag –

Where has this week gone? It seems like only yesterday I was taking photographs for last week’s Six on Saturday and then touring fellow gardeners blogs to check out their progress.

Despite the strong winds this week we did manage to cross one job of the gardening ‘To Do’ list. Or should I say, the OH was doing the manual labour and I was the foreman!

1. Compost

A job I’ve been dreading since my encounter with Sammy the snake (did you hear me scream snake?), was turning the compost heap. I’ve not seen Sammy since, which makes me nervous.

Compost bin
Compost bin

Was he hiding in here?

Seriously, the main reason I had originally abandoned the compost bin was because I’d mainly filled it with melaleuca hedge cuttings which (I was later informed) were too acidic/oily and not suitable for composting. However, I’ve since been informed by another source that this is not a problem. We will see. I’ll check the PH levels once I have the compost.

I’ve also discovered wood ash is good for the garden soil. Useful article here.

Were there any snakes?
Were there any snakes?

The OH removed the compost bin cover and as expected the top layer of compost was dry and had not rotted down.


He mixed the compost, added shredded newspaper and green waste from another bin, and we will leave to brew for another year.

Note to self: find the link to The Propagators post on composting.

2. Loquats (Nêsperas)

The Loquat tree is already producing baby fruit. Let’s hope this year I can at least harvest some of the ripened fruit before the birds have eaten it all. A couple of years ago I made some delicious Loquat jam and it would be nice to repeat the experience.

Loquat starting to fruit - Feb 2019
Loquat (nêsperas) starting to fruit – Feb 2019


Loquat starting to fruit - Feb 2019
Loquat (nêspera) tree starting to fruit – Feb 2019

3. Succulent Display

I only planted this display last year and I’m amazed at how quickly the plants have grown. Unfortunately, this is the back of the display so I need to get the OH to twizzle the pot round so the taller plants are at the back.


4. A Seat With a View

It won’t be long now before I will be able to take breakfast outside and enjoy the early morning sun on the garden bench in this sheltered area of the garden.

view from wooden seats
view from pool garden

5. The Sweet Scent of Jasmine

Finally the Jasmine is coming into flower so we are not only rewarded by a mass of white flowers but also its delightful fragrance.

The sweet scent of Jasmine
The sweet scent of Jasmine

6. Freesias in Bloom

Freesias Flowering in February
Freesias Flowering in February

I love Freesias. The scent and colour are amazing. As I don’t have much in the way of exposed soil I now grow Freesias and daffoldils in pots, which means I can move them to a prominent position when they are about to flower and then move them out of sight, once the flowers and leaves start to die off. I find this a creative way to maximise space and keep certain areas of the garden visually attractive all-year-round.

Check The Propagator’s gardening blog to hook up with more gardeners.

I have also added some gardening blogs I like to follow on my blogroll … and the list is growing!

26 thoughts on “SoS: A Mixed Bag –

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  1. Your garden is looking beautiful Carole. Right now my fig tree and mango tree are fruiting and the birds are having a field day with the fruit at the top! Grrrrr. My loquots are also just starting to fruit and they are a favourite with the birds, but I don’t mind sharing those.
    I love jasmine and used to have one growing on the side fence, but somehow it died.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah! Pretty sweet; like Southern California . . . . actually even better. It snowed there recently! Your loquats look great. They used to grow well here. Nowadays, they are mostly diseased in some way or another. They get fireblight badly, and the fruit molds on the trees.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your pool border! These white paving are cool too.
    About the loquat, mine has never bloomed and I hope to see it bloom one day … It’s true that the north of Europe doesn’t make it easy for it but I saw some that flourished then I keep hope…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The view of the pool garden looks lovely and I can smell that jasmine! I’m not sure I’d be going anywhere near the compost bin again after the discovery of a snake!

    Liked by 1 person

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