Weekly Photo Challenge: Old

Are you taking part in the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge? This week’s theme is “Old”

We're not old!
We're not old!

We went to the market in the Alentejo last month to buy some vegetable seedlings and a couple of fruit trees. As we wandered round I studied the “old” farmer boys buying and selling chickens, vegetables and honey. It made me wonder how many
“youngsters” would follow in their footsteps as it’s hard to scratch a living from the land. I assume not many.

I snapped several photos while having lunch in one of the food tents. Mr. Piglet growled at me. Embarrassed, he said I looked like a tourist! Yes, and…So what!

These gentlemen, probably “old” friends, were intently watching the TV during their lunch. When I turned round to see the focus of their attention they were watching extracts from bullfights and bull runs where the “bull gets its own back” It was really gory; people were chased by bulls and you actually witnessed their injuries. I can only say if you come to Portugal don’t watch TV if you are squeamish!

As we get older, “age” we are frequently told, is a state of mind. I still feel young mentally but when I look in the mirror reality dawns…the clock is now ticking faster and I am getting “old”
I’ve already asked our kids when I end up in an old folks home to make sure I have my computer and a couple of pots to grow some vegetables in… What would you take with you?

Are you beginning to feel old? Do you still recognise yourself in the mirror or have “you” been abducted by aliens?

52 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Old

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  1. Love the feeling of this shot. I remember the old men in berets in Spain and Portugal, especially on Sunday mornings as they made their rounds in groups of 4-5 friends… The whole idea of aging along with good friends doesn’t sound half bad when you look at it that way!


    1. Hi Margaret,
      I took lots of photos of the market that day but it was not until I returned home and downloaded the photos that I realized most of the people at the market were in their autmn years. It seeems strange to see ALL the men wearing hats.


  2. Really interesting question PiP and got me thinking. I don’t really worry about age and sometimes I joke about my mid-rif and say, ‘you know, it’s taken me 43 years to fit into this skin…!’ as if I’m proud of it.
    A couple of weeks ago I dropped my son off at work and when he came home he said his colleague had asked who was in the car with him. When he said it was his mum his colleague apparantly had thought I was his sister!
    I’ll enjoy it while it lasts but as for what I’m taking into the retirement home, a toyboy I think is my answer….
    I like the photo, you always capture the theme so well.


  3. When I look in the mirror I really don’t think that I look that much older but then I went through some pictures of me and my friends taken about 6 years ago and Oh My God! We look sooo young in all of them. It’s not the mirror that discloses the unfortunate truth, it’s the pictures.


  4. Another interestingly fun post. 🙂 You nailed the theme of old, but also the the one of gore. Bullfights and injuries. That’s really something. Talk about cultural differences.

    Somedays I feel young, but here lately, I feel so very old. I miss my Mom, but yet when I look in the mirror, I see her looking back at me. My resemblance to her is unmistakable. My reflection isn’t as wise as she was though.

    Hope you have a lovely rest of the week!


    1. Hi EC yes there are cultural differences and I just observe, learn and try to understand.
      Sounds like your reflection is a nice reminder of your Mom and I’m sure you are wiser than you think you are. 🙂


  5. If I had to retire to an old folks home. I’ll do it gracefully, wiggle and wave as I shuffle into position (for my grand entrance) brake into a samba dance. Music…..leave me with my music & coffee and I’m happy as lil’ piglet in mud! Music keeps me young and coffee keeps me balanced. Tee..hee. Great post! Love the pic.


  6. I’m not getting older, I’m getting wiser. The great opportunities are dreams of what might have been, but when you get older you see that those were really not meant to be. Because something far greater was planned in the first place. So I guess you can say, I like getting “old” relatively speaking. 🙂


  7. I feel the same way PiP! I’m too young to be getting old, although with me it’s the aches and pains rather than the mirror. As far as the old folks home, give me Scuba Man, books, and something to write on or in and I’ll be happy.


  8. Nice picture! I will post my photo’s for the challenge on my blog tomorrow so have a look then! I always feel like a tourist when I’m taking pictures but you’re right. Who cares?


  9. Hi, PiP. I love the photo. And I do struggle with the aging process, although my efforts to stare down my fears have been very fruitful. Nonetheless, I do still get startled from time to time when I look in the mirror. Much of the time, I feel 20 or 30, so when 63 looks back at me, it’s a bit disconcerting.


  10. Great photo there! Hopefully not by the aliens yet… I feel the change in my bones but not in my body. I also sleep less which I am told is another gift that comes with age; your waist grows and your need for sleep shrinks. 🙂


  11. 1. Great shot. I’m with you . . . so what if you looked like a tourist.
    2. I prefer having bulls gore bullfighters, rather than the other way around ~ the bullfighter has a choice. The bulls do not.
    3. I feel young . . . as long as there are no mirrors around. 😀
    4. I hope to move into a retirement community long before necessary so that I can enjoy all the fun classes, conversations, and entertainment.


  12. That’s funny. I’ve told my kids, and keep reminding them that I don’t mind if they put me in a home when I’m older, but they need to make sure I have a comfortable rocker/recliner.


  13. Hey PiP! I feel “old”! Once when I was about 35 I “thought” I could still “roller skate” the old fashion way with four wheels? Remember them? Well, I got about 2 blocks and said to heck with that! Pulled them off and walked back! It’s funny how your mind plays tricks on you!


  14. I know if I were to go into a old folks home-I would keep everyone laughing with my whimsical – funny humor- sharing all my quirks and kinks-and doing the bunny-hop across the floor !!! 🙂


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