Meia Praia – one of my favourite beaches

Meia Praia - view towards Alvor
Meia Praia - view towards Alvor

Although not a surfer or sun worshipper I love beaches.

The sound of the waves and the magic of the sunlight dancing on the water is so relaxing – almost hypnotic that I can lose myself for hours just sitting looking out to sea, fishing or walking along the shoreline lost in thought.

A couple of months ago I discovered the blue flag Meia Praia beach in Lagos. The beach (approx 5km long) stretches from Lagos Marina to the estuary in Alvor. The literal translation is half beach because the large bay is cut in half by the estuary. This unspoilt sandy beach is great for families as there are plenty of activities and facilities in season. The beach is still natural, almost rustic having escaped (so far) the scars of mass tourism and concrete high-rise. You will not find tourist shops along the seafront selling sun cream, sun hats and trinkets…just kilometres (or miles) of natural beauty.

Meia Praia - view to Lagos town
Meia Praia - view to Lagos town

Towards the Marina end of the beach there is a concession area providing sun beds and sun shades. There are some café/bars and restaurants, toilet facilities, pedalos, and boat rides etc plus tiralos and disabled facilities. For those who prefer something less commercialised drive/walk to the other end of the beach towards Alvor. However, look out for the nudists in this area especially in the dunes. We were not expecting them and were taken by surprise!

The sea, both times we went to Meia Praia, was calm and unlike the beaches of the “Wild West” the waves virtually non-existent. In fact, the sea was so calm and so inviting I went for a swim even though it was mid October! It was like swimming in a large pond and the water was surprisingly warm.

Look out for dogs if you leave your beach bag unattended. When I was swimming in the sea one decided my beach bag would make an excellent place to cock his leg and leave his mark. I had to smile as the beach was virtually empty why choose my bag! Grrrrr

Do you think dogs should be allowed on Blue Flag Beaches?

When we returned to the beach on a wild day in December the waves were quite spectacular and there were several surfers much to my amazement.

If you visit Lagos in the winter take a stroll along the water’s edge, take in the sea air, close your eyes and de-stress…

Meia Praia - concession area and restaurants
Meia Praia - concession area and restaurants

There are a several bar/restaurants including Sao Roque, Bar Quim Restaurant, and Por-do-Sol. Prices were mid range i.e., Grilled chicken at €8.50 and mixed omelette at €8.00 Drinks Café com leite (coffee with milk) €1.50 and a ceveja caneka (large beer) 50cl €2.50

Further views of Meia Praia and Lagos can be viewed here

A perfect place summer or winter!
Cafe/Restaurants: There are various restaurants but most close in the winter season.
Blue Flag: Yes
WC facilities: Yes
Surfing: Yes (sometimes)
Life Guard: Yes (In season)
Parking: Yes
Directions: Behind Lagos Marina and within walking distance from Lagos Station.
Local tip: The far end of the beach towards Alvor does attract nudist etc.

5 thoughts on “Meia Praia – one of my favourite beaches

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  1. trust me, the sea there (here) is not always dead calm!
    We’ve been many times where there have been huge waves. It’s weird to think that it can be dead calm one day and so wild the next!

    Still beautiful though and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else 🙂


    1. Hi Tracey,
      Went to Meia Praia again in December and yes the sea was wild! There were even surfers… I do love that beach.
      Do you know what has happened to the little restaurant Quim down at the far end…? We went to go there for lunch and it had closed. 🙂


      1. I confess I haven’t noticed its absence.
        I think it is(was?) opposite my son’s school? The little primary school near the new golf course.
        I’ll take a nosey next time we’re down that way.
        We were down our end (Lagos station end) on the beach on Sunday and the water was wild and dotted with many surfers then too.
        Mind you, there were also a lot of sail boats out. Rather them than me!


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