Revamping My Blog – Help Please

I need some help from my followers, please. As it says on the tin I am ‘Revamping My Blog’, aka moving the furniture around and giving it a fresh coat of paint. After seven years it’s well overdue some TLC.

I’ve tried posting to the WP Community Pool and I’ve lost the will to live by lack of response from the blizzard of bloggers all fighting for airspace.

so here goes…

About Page

When I visit a new blog the first post/page I look for is the ‘About‘ page to see what we have in common. It’s surprising how many bloggers don’t have one. I’ve just updated mine, is it okay?


I’ve updated to

Links to websites included?  yep. Have you completed your gravatar info?

Header (Masthead)

I am useless at design  so if anyone would like to put forward suggestions for improving this, I’d be grateful. You can tell me it sucks… I’m not proud to admit defeat.

Update: someone has just contacted me and made some suggestions! Watch this space. THANK YOU!

Tag line

Which do you prefer: Surfing life one day at a time


Surfing life one wave at a time


I have merged some pages and created others such as ‘Pet Peeves A – Z‘.

I thought this would be a fun challenge if anyone would like to join in. Just leave links to your PP blog posts in the comment box and I’ll do a round up of Peeves once a month.

Sidebar Widgets

I have lots! Probably too many. As I’d like to add more blogs to my blog roll I think I am going to create a page to accommodate an overview of my favourite blogs. I notice a couple of bloggers I follow do this and I think it is a good idea. What do you think?

Anyways, that’s it for now. ALL feedback appreciated, thank you.

22 thoughts on “Revamping My Blog – Help Please

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  1. thanks, everyone. I really appreciate your replies. Some good ideas. You are all agreed about one thing: The text on the masthead needs to be darker. I am working on that now. Shame I seemed to have lost the original waves picture and spent the last hour going through my pics trying to find something else 😦 Then I lost the pigging pig file… and now I can’t remember how I created it because it was so long ago.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I know you are asking for opinions… or views , but truth be told, once you start that you’ll get a million and one responses.
    Besides who cares about all them . I am the only one that counts … right?


      1. I always reckon you have to be happy with it, as you will never please everyone. I’ve never had a problem with your blog.
        If you are just a bit bored with it, why not change the theme?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Nah, the theme is tooo complicated to change. I will just update the header and be done. 🙂 If you’ve never had a problem with the layout that’s cool. While I like the menus to be visible I was a little OCD it looked cluttered.


          1. I chopped and changed as I wanted a theme that I could post text and did a pretty good job of showing photos.
            I picked my current theme after inquiries to a fellow South African blogger who was using it.
            For me it’s the best one I have used to date.
            It all depends on what you want…


  3. Can’t help you much with design Carole as I’m with Blogger and you with WordPress that I don’t know anything about.
    I’m with the others above, I like the day at a time…and would put those words darker. A bit more colour maybe, in the background?
    I also like to read an About page of the blogger.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. You are so brave. I gave access to my blog, when I started, to a friend, and she did my page for me.
    It will just have to stay the way it is.
    I like “one day at a time”
    Now I must go and see if I have an “about” page!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Coming from the WP Community Pool:
    I recommend you to make the text a bit larger. Use some of sidebar widgest in your footer instead. Your tag line, Surfing life one day at a time is more attractive than other one, keep it up. Unclutter your main (top) menu, create sub-pages. For example: Tourist Info should go under Moving to Portugal, and so on. About Page: Yeah, I got one too. Don’t forget, enlarging text. I hope, I could be of some help here.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. thanks, Bozdar! I like your suggestion re moving the sidebar widgets. I don’t think I have the option to create sub pages on this theme. No, I am sure I dont 😦

      Everyone seems to agree on the header so I’m working/fighting with my computer with that now


      1. If you go into your menu settings, you’ll be able to sub-itemised your different pages under one pages. It’ll make your menu look more beautiful. If you visited my blog, you probably had seen three more sub-items under blog button. 🙂

        Good luck!


  6. I am with the others – the text is slightly difficult to read, but apart from that it is fantastic.
    I love widgets too. I’m not sure you can have too many because they are in a separate column. Well, they don’t feel too much to me anyway.

    I love: Surfing life one wave at a time.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m just looking at it now but must dash to work so will give my thoughts tomorrow… But yes, the pig is cute, but the white letters are a bit hard to read… more soon : ) G in Oz

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Good idea to revamp after a couple of years, hope you find the right design for you. I like the ring of surfing life one wave at a time, it’s a good metaphor but either are great and I also think darker words would make it stand out. Happy redesigning!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I like your new mascot. It’s a cute little piggy.
    It looks as if you’ve got a good idea on what your design and format will be.
    I think whatever you like will be just fine.
    I look forward to seeing what you finally decide on. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi there! If you would like my two cents worth, I love the tagline Surfing life one day at a time. As for the masthead, I’d make the words a little darker. The white gets lost in the waves. Looking forward to seeing the new update!

    Liked by 1 person

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