Growing Cucumbers in Pots is SO Easy!

Imagine eating your own home-grown organic cucumbers. Hmmmm… delicious!

Why not challenge yourself to grow cucumbers in pots or indeed any container which has adequate drainage. Even if you only have a small garden or sunny balcony give it a try and let me know how you get on.

I usually buy about six seedling plugs from the market or a local garden centre in March . They are really cheap  (about 25cents each) and less frustrating/wasteful than growing from seed. If the seedlings are not available in your area then packets of seeds can be purchase in garden centres, DIY shops and even supermarkets.

Growing from seed means you lose about two weeks as they take time to germinate and I’m far too impatient for that. But sometimes needs must and we go with the flow.

Cucumber seedling plugs
Cucumber seedling plugs

I then plant into small containers such as yogurt or small flower pots using multi-purpose compost.

Baby cucumber plants
Baby cucumber plants

Old plastic water bottles are up-cycled as plant cloches to protect young plants from cold winds and inclement weather until they are more hardy.

Mini cloches - Old plastic water bottles are up-cycled as plant cloches to protect the young plants from cold winds and inclement weather until they are more hardy.
Mini cloches – Old plastic water bottles are up-cycled as plant cloches to protect the young plants from cold winds and inclement weather until they are more hardy.

The reason I always buy more plants than I need is because some of the seedlings will probably be enjoyed by my pet snail ‘Sid’ and his family, and the runt of the seedlings usually die due to cold weather or just bad luck.

So out of six small plants I end up with three healthy specimens.

When the plants are a little more robust I then plant in one large container in good quality compost and some rotted manure (when available). I initially protect the plants by making plant collars from plastic water bottles

plastic collars to protect plants
plastic collars to protect plants

Once the first flowers appear I feed with liquid tomato feed available from garden centres, supermarkets or DIY stores which seem to sell everything bar toilet rolls. It seems to work well and as yet I’ve not found a more general purpose vegetable feed other than manure tea which if you are living in a confined space is probably not a good idea.

About ten weeks later your first cucumbers are ready to pick. Usually several at once!

Cucumbers grow well in pots
Cucumbers grow well in pots

I will plant my next batch of seedlings in June so these will take me through to October/November – depending on the weather.

Growing Tips:

– Feed every couple of weeks.
– Water daily
– If you let the the cucumbers grow too big the seeds become tough and bitter. I usually pick when the cucumbers are about 6 inches long.

My first crop of cucumbers - May 27th.  2017
My first crop of cucumbers – May 27th. 2017

When I have a glut of cucumbers I now pickle in vinegar with onion. They are delicious!

Pickled Cucumbers

5 Cucumbers
1 Kg onions, peeled and halved
80 grams sea salt
500 ml vinegar
350 grams granulated sugar
4 or 2 tsp mustard seeds (I only use 2 tsp)
½ teaspoon ground cloves
½ teaspoon ground turmeric
Slice the cucumber and onions thinly, layer them in a bowl, sprinkle salt. Weigh them down with a plate and leave overnight.
Drain off the liquid, rinse well and drain in a colander.
Combine vinegar, sugar, mustard seeds, cloves and turmeric in a pan and bring slowly to boil. Stir to dissolve the sugar, add cucumbers and onions and boil for 1 minute.
Transfer the cucumber and onions to a jar and reduce the liquid for 15 minutes, then divide between the jars to the top.
This will keep for several months.


So who is going to take up the challenge?

21 thoughts on “Growing Cucumbers in Pots is SO Easy!

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  1. Used to eat them all the time when I lived at home, but I am the only one in our household who enjoys them, so we hardly ever buy a cucumber.
    But growing them … just for moi, might well be the better option. I shall look out for seeds or seedlings.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is the first year for ages I have decided not to grow them! Reason is I have so many tomato plants this year no space in greenhouse, really need a second greenhouse or to live in the Algarve year round!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, a tomato enthusiast! I usually lose mine to blight after the first couple of tresses of tomatoes. I am not thinning out any leaves this year just incase the blight gets in through the open cuts. Dare I say so far so good.

      What do you do with all your tommy tarts? Do you make chutney or liquidize for pasta sauce?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve been very fortunate (touch wood) and never had blight . . . . I tend to cook with them as they are in soups, casseroles and of course that old favourite – as I have lots of courgettes – ratatouille 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Great idea. I’m all for container gardening. It’s tidier and usually less work. Fresh cucumbers are so delicious. Handy recipe too, homemade pickles. Yummy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A few years ago I grew Lebanese cucumbers. Grew them too well! We had hundreds… and my housemate left me a note saying ‘Please don’t make me eat any more cucumbers this year’. 😏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. *laughing* I know that feeling and why I am so enthusiastic on pickling them. Are you going to try again this year? Which country are you based?

      If you do and report your success/failure on your blog or pinterest please link your post here 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sounds great! I’m not sure why but my garden loving husband has never been interested in veg growing (probably because he can take them or leave them, on his plate 🙂 ). But I might give it a go.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, I do wish I could buy seedlings at your prices! Here a punnet of six costs more like $5 and they are smaller than yours. Tomatoes, capsicums and chillies of all kinds I find easy in pots but cucumbers, zucchini and the rest one can lose in a night to fungal infections just sweeping thru’ 😦 !!! All white in the morning . . . But it is huge fun and shall be watching your progress keeping my fingers crossed for a bumper harvest! Good recipe for pickling: must write that down !!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eha, what about seeds?. LoL there is no escape. I ask because I recycle all the green wast such as cucumber skin and some pips back into the compost area or in a composting pot. Before too long I usually have lots of baby plants. The only problem I had was once I thought I was nurturing cucumbers and they were the dreaded zucchini which I can’t seem to grow.

      You are right about the fungal infections and we have the same problem. This year I am going to try the Epsom salt experiment. Which reminds me!

      The pickled cucumber is delicious. I went to a party and I think I ate most of the jar! The hostess gave me her recipe.


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