Weekly Photo Challenge: Ocean

Are you taking part in the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge? This week’s theme is “Ocean”
The Ocean is popular with surfers, in Portugal, as they pit their wits against the waves.

Man is insignificant against the force of the ocean
Man is insignificant against the force of the ocean
I would love to try surfing…
He may ride the waves but will never control them
He may ride the waves but will never control them
Piglet reborn in a wetsuit
Piglet reborn in a wetsuit

I put on a wetsuit once as I wanted to try bodyboarding; it felt like a second skin. When I rolled it up my legs, over my posterior, my spare-tyre…onwards and upwards by the time it reached my neck I resembled a The Neapolitan Mastiff! Have you tried, or would like to try surfing or bodyboarding?

Useful surfing websites:
Wave Watch: Portugal – Surf Forecast
Windguru: Portugal – Surf information

49 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Ocean

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  1. “Piglet reborn in a wet suit!” I laughed so hard when I read this caption to the picture of the dog. Loved the ocean pictures, but I have to say, the dog and caption really cracked me up. I wish I looked THAT good in a wet suit! Too funny.


  2. haha, surfing? I would not even think about it… I always scare with the waves and worse, I cannot swim!! LOL..

    Nice waves pics, PiP.. 😉


  3. I KNEW you were going to come up with something great for the Ocean challenge! Nice!
    I would love to try bodyboarding at some point–yet another item on my long to-do list!


  4. Hey PiP! I also love the Mastiff!! OMG!! When we were in Fla. @ an animal store, the owner of the store had a blue mastiff! Huge! The guy said he paid over $2000 for the dog! When the dog stood up, his shoulders were well over mine! It was a georgous dog though! But $2000? Also, I finally see what my blog has been missing!!! I’ll be updating the next couple of days! lol…


    1. $2000 is a lot of money to pay for a dog! They can only give you the same love. Plus can you imagine the food bill for that dog!
      Everytime I come to your blog CL you are tinkering with it…LOL 🙂 What do you think you are missing? Perhaps make a post and ask others for input and we can share ideas. Someone made suggestions to me for my blog…and I changed many things…but I’ve still got several things to change ie the picture at the top is too busy…I want to make a fun cartoon out of pigs …


  5. One of my secret new years resolutions was to go surfing this year. A bit problematic as I can’t swim very well and don’t feel very confident around water in general due to nearly drowning in childhood. Still want to try it though. Maybe I’ll have “Conquer Your Fears” weekend this summer.


    1. Hey WFS a conquer your fears weekend sounds great. Set a date and you could set a challenge to other bloggers and we could then write a post about it!
      I can quite understand your fear of water if you nearly drowned as a child. My fear is going under…


  6. Hi Stacey,
    I only go in up to my waist the waves here are too wild!
    I’ve considered other sea creatures…but not really thought about sharks. Not sure if we have them in Portugal errr better google that one 😦


  7. loved the story and the pic of the dog! I have never really had the desire to learn to surf. I’m actually afraid of the ocean, well sharks really, so I don’t go very far in, usually up to my waist.


  8. Miss Piglet, you are a hoot. A mastiff? I’ve never tried surfing with a board, but I’ve loved the times in my life when I’ve “ridden” the waves, body-surfing, I guess it is called. I love the ocean and the water, and the recent events in Japan are a stunning reminder of who is the boss on this planet. Yes?


    1. Hi Ellen,
      Yep, a mastiff! Seeing is believing 🙂
      I hope the events in Japan make those who wield the power and control our lives realise how insignificant man is against the forces of mother nature.


  9. Body boarding I would, surfing, no. Guess I’ve seen to much tv.! lol…Don’t like swimming with the sharks! I’ve done body boarding in mud before! Quite a blast!


  10. I’m still laughing at the Neapolitan mastiff image. Even though skinny, to my horror I still somehow managed to develop a spare tire of dough that I’m sure would roll up to my neck, too! What a hoot you are, Mrs. Piglet!

    Oh yes, and lovely surf shots, too. Drool. The inlet near us in Alaska still is frozen with chunky pieces of muddy, glacial stilty ice. Definitely a sight to miss. I’ll just admire your shots.


    1. Hi Jan,
      I have a whole bakery of dough distributed round my body LOL :
      Changing tac slightly here…the one thing that amazed me about glaciers was how dirty they were! Truly amazing nonetheless…


    1. Now NR surfing in a wavepool has got to be the way forward! You could turn off the waves when you’d have enough and no nasties to deal with either…

      The dog photo is sadly too close to the truth for comfort. I can’t eat all the pies and be twiglike…something has to give. 🙂


  11. Boogie boarding in Hawaii was a blast – I love the water, especially when it’s warm! Unfortunately I left it too late to book some surfing lessons, they were busy at Christmas. Oh well, next time we go it’s on top of the list.


  12. Funny description of the wetsuit ordeal! And those waves, particularly the first photo, really dwarfs the surfers. Nice photos. As to your question, I promised my niece that I would take lessons with her this summer: She’s 13 and I am 58–yikes!


  13. This was a great post. If trying to learn to surf, is anything like skiing, I would have to pass, as my skiing experience, I’m sure went down as the funniest act performed in history!! My arms, legs, skis, ropes, going every where and in different directions, when I made my splash. 🙂

    Love the photo of Pip reborn in a wetsuit !! 🙂


    1. Hi Penny,
      Well done to you for trying skiing I’m inpressed. I’d only ski if I could have a zimmer frame
      The picture of the dog unfortunately did bare a close resemblence to me in a wetsuit. Scary!


  14. Love the pictures PiP, especially the wetsuit one! I’ve never surfed or body boarded. Surfing is very popular here, so maybe one day I will. But, scuba diving is also very popular and I may just stick to that!


    1. I’d love to try scuba diving but I am a bit wary of putting my head underwater, opening my eyes and trying to breath at the same time. Yeah I know women are meant to be able to multi task…I’m letting the side down!


  15. I loved your wet-suit antics!
    My youngest son is a surfer and he has tried to teach me – without success! I can body-board though – quite exciting! I live in the sub-tropics of Australia so no wet-suit needed (thank goodness – couldn’t squash my spare tyre into it – talk about Michelin Man!)
    My favourite thing to do at the beach is watch the surfers – they are amazing!


  16. Great pictures. I love taking pictures of surfers! I always wanted to try surfing… but I’m not very coordinated and the ocean by me is quite rocky 😦


  17. I enjoyed your wetsuit story. lol Nope, I’ve never tried surfing or body-surfing. I like to float around pools though. Does that count? lol
    You have great photos and do such wonderful challenge post. 🙂


  18. Love the “reborn in a wetsuit” pic. Funny. I’m with Lisa I love swimming but if I cant’s see what’s under me. It’s def a no! Surfing is fun but I enjoy it better watching from the sandy beach. 🙂


    1. To be honest I am a bit of a whimp and wear plastic shoes when I go in the sea 😳 Not that keen on all the sea critters like octopus, jellyfish, crabs…and their the once I can name!
      Yep, watching the excitemnt from the beach is great especially when the surfers get wiped out by a big wave!
      I’d still like to have a go…just once


  19. I’ve done a little body boarding (no wetsuit necessary, I was in Hawaii) but not much. It was fun. I want learn to scuba dive, although I love snorkeling. I hate swimming in the ocean when I can’t see what’s under me.


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