#WeekendCoffeeShare – Visitors and Willpower

“How was your week?”

Mine…? My sister and her hubby arrived on Tuesday to stay for a few days. She lives in Spain, and I’ve not seen her for two years. It was great to catch up, but I did feel sorry for them as I’m unable to walk far on a good day, but just my luck, sciatica in my left leg flared up, and I was in agony. Needless to say, sightseeing trips were a no-no, as were strolls along the beach and walks in the beautiful natural park that adjoins our property. There was not much in the way of exercise other than our jaws and a hobble around Mini Golf in Lagos, which was great fun!

Prior to their arrival, I sent Mr. Piglet food shopping to top up the larder—you know, cheese, meats, fresh fruit, vegetables, etc. Anyway, I think he’s caught my plant obsession. He returned with a plant! Told me he couldn’t resist it.

Are you a plant-a-holic?

You dodge the question and ask, “How is the diet progressing?

I blush. The diet is/was moving in the right direction—albeit slowly—or at least it was, having lost 1kg (2.2lb). But then we’ve eaten out twice this week, and I did succumb to a pastel de nata (Portuguese custard tart) with our coffee at a little cafe restaurant called Paraiso do Mar at Amoeriera Beach.

Then, that evening, I succumbed again and ordered a Tiramisu dessert at the Italian restaurant in Lagos.

I see you shake your head and blow a sigh.

I know, I know. I’m my own worst enemy, and I have the willpower of a sloth.

No, I couldn’t resist Tiramisu, and for my sins, I then suffered from heartburn all night!

Your expression suggests ‘serves you right, Piglet’

So … today, I’ve hobbled back on the diet wagon and am now researching the anti-inflammatory diet to see if that helps with the pain. My first step is to wean myself off red meat, eat more oily fish, and continue to resist processed carbs. Does fresh pasta count as processed?

Do you keep a food and exercise diary?” you ask.

No, but maybe I should. Do you?

Our conversation continues until I check my watch and realize it’s time to say goodbye. See you same time and place next week,

My thanks to our coffee share hostess, Natalie the Explorer

4 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare – Visitors and Willpower

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  1. Never easy to follow a diet if you have guests. Sorry about the pain, and yes, I’m sure what you eat is a big factor in having a healthy body. A bit of luck too, of course! Have a good week!

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