SoS – June Harvest

For this week’s Gardening Six on Saturday (SoS), I have chosen the fruits of my labour. A shout out to Mr. Piglet, who is now the main grafter while I supervise. A nod to our gardening host, Jim, over at Garden Ruminations.

1. Red Onions – June Harvest

Finally, the red onions I planted in November/December are ready to harvest. As you can see, I gave up on the weeds.

Nearly three kilos! Not bad, According to the Continente website Cebola Roxa Biológica are €4.38 per kg

2. Cucumber Harvest

Unfortunately, two of the original three cucumber plugs succumbed to a viral/insect attack so now I’m left with one. I bought three more plugs, but they also died. These weighed about 0.6 kg. More baby cucumbers to follow. I grated one and made some tzatziki. Delicious!


3. Courgettes -Zucchini

This is the first year I’ve grown Zucchini in pots, and so far I’m delighted with the results. They weighed in at 0.8kg with more to follow.

4. Physalis

Physalis grow like weeds in my garden. I’ve given up trying to cultivate in pots. They self-seed and only grow where they decide to grow …even in the gravel (brita). (100g)

5. Lime tree growing in a pot

Sigh. This lime tree has struggled for years. It’s got to the point where I wonder if it’s worth persevering or putting it out of its misery. 1 lime 100g

6. Mini Tomatoes

The golden pearl F1 mini-bell cherry tomatoes I planted in March have finally started to ripen. Crop so far 0.25 kg. The red tomatoes are cherry toms I bought at Rogil market.

Other crops that deserve a mention are lettuce, green beans, and curly kale. I am allowing the aubergine to grow bigger before I harvest.

14 thoughts on “SoS – June Harvest

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  1. How lovely! I think growing in containers are awesome! I have 8 big containers with tomatoes, and 4 with bell pepper at my balcony. I have grown different type of zucchinis on container before, but this year I only have them in garden beds and raised beds. I’ve never grown physalis, I wonder if it would do OK here? I know some people are growing them in green houses. Thank you for sharing your garden.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi MAria, GRowing peppers and toms in containers (IMHO) is the way forward. SLight change of topic. I recently discovered both my peppers and toms have been attacked by insects drilling into the furit. The tomatoes had holes the size of a large pinprick and the peppers a larger hole. Gutted. I’ve had to buys some bio insecticide.


    1. Interesting you call Zucchini/courgettes squash. Are they the same? I have butternut squash with a couple of baby squashes just an inch long at the moment. They are so slow to grow but at least you can store butternut squash for months.

      My tomato harvest is later this year.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, they are the same, actually. Zucchini are summer squash while butternuts are winter squash. They are both grown in the summer but eaten in different times of the year.
        My tomatoes have started to form but it’ll take them a while to ripen.


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