Six on Saturday: Seedlings and Saharan Dust and Gusts

Wow, what a week! I’ve been gardening in a mask!

It’s the first time we’ve been advised of ‘poor quality’ air alerts. Not only did we enjoy the effect of the Saharan dust from Africa we were also subjected to our own local manmade dust storms. ‘They’ whoever ‘they’ maybe, are clearing all the local sandy scrubland and with a huge machine creating an environmental desert. All the wild plants and shrubs are being ground into the earth.

Consequently, when the wind blows off the ocean it whips up a whirlwind of dust. Another consquence of the clearing the land is the wildlife living in this scrubland is now homeless… snakes, rabbits, rats, mice … and nesting birds. Oh, joy.


1. Saharan Dust and Gusts

Everything is coated in sand. It’s even seeped into the house.

And when we returned after my hospital appointment we were greeted with all the empty pots in the pool AND the garden chairs and little coffee table.

2. Cucumber – F1 Lunchbox

3. Melon – Carentais

One of the melons has already fallen victim to a hungry snail

4. Courgettes

I will remove the net once the roots are more established. Mr Blackbird was observing the planting ceremony with too much interest. Ah, there’s Piglet. Worm alert!

Courgette de Milao

F1 Ball Mix

5. Tomatoes – Minibell Cherry Tomatoes

6. Growing Herbs From Seed

I am attempting to grow, basil, oregano, curley parsley and dill.

That’s a wrap for this week, folks.

*Turns off computer and dashes out to the garden to check how my newly planted seedlings are adapting to the big bad world of insects, birds and other nasties.

Do check out Mr P’s blog for more SoS gardeners

27 thoughts on “Six on Saturday: Seedlings and Saharan Dust and Gusts

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  1. Why the local vegetation management? We need SO much MORE vegetation management here, but no matter how much we do, we can not get ahead of it. This was a dry winter, which does not sustain much growth in the forest, but also allows things to get dryer sooner. So many people live here now, so the fires are so much more devastating than when the area was sparsely populated. I happened to be away during the evacuation and fire last year, but now, many of my neighbors lack permanent homes because of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tony, if they uproot all the shrubs and undergrowth surely they should remove it rather than leave it to dry out in the sun? There were also fires with devasting consequences in rural areas of Portugal as well. the problem here is they have vast plantations of Eucalyptus trees and when they ignite …whoosh. Also, some terrain is too inaccessible for the fire crews

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is not possible to remove such large volumes of debris. It should be burned. Unfortunately, burning is nearly illegal. The laws about it are so restrictive that it is not practical. The lack of burning promotes combustibility. It is crazy, and getting scarier.


    1. I am not entirely sure why they are clearing so much land. Firebreaks are normally a lot smaller. They’ve decimated great swathes of land but what annoys me, is the debris they leave behind in terms of the uprooted shrubs and branches from pine trees that will dry over the summer will also pose a fire risk.


  2. It’s a pity about the land clearance, sadly it’s the same story everywhere: ever-shrinking space for wildlife, ever-expanding space for humans. On the positive side your seedlings and crops look great. Someone just gave me some minibel seed, is it a goodie?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have a lot of wildlife here … and we def don’t any more than we already have in our garden. I am terrified of snakes.

      This is the first time I’ve tried minibel cherry tomatoes. So far the plants look compact and healthy. They are meant to be bushy … we will see. đŸ™‚

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    1. Supposedly it is a fire break but I am not sure. They’ve cleared acres of land so how dead shrubs and trees left on scorched earth is a firebreak, God only knows. IT will be built on eventually, but when who knows. We are in a natural park so planning has been restricted in recent years.


    1. The winds have stilled for now and the machine stopped Thursday lunchtime (Good Friday a holiday). So all is well for now … no wind….and I hope the machine moves on when the men return to work on Monday. đŸ™‚

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