Poetry: “White Hot” by Carole Hill

I wrote this poem when I was in intense pain. In fact, so much pain it took my breath away. For those who have suffered/or who are suffering, I hope you can connect with this poem.

Flashes - Writers' Rendezvous

White Hot

by Carole Hill

Breath frozen
bloated mind
seeking peace.

through icebergs of pain.

your smile numb in response
forced to bridge frozen wastelands
where laughter once played
and humour skied in your eyes
warms their polite concern.

white-hot iron leaves its mark.

About the author:

Carole Hill paints with words. Her artist’s palette coloured by the simple beauty of nature, environmental challenges and observations of her fellow man. When Carole is not writing, gardening or painting she can be found daydreaming on the beach as her thoughts are lost in the ocean waves, the distant horizon and beyond.

Carole’s poetry has been published in the Algarve’s travel magazine and Passages anthology.

Carole’s Blog:


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