SoS: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in Containers – March

A busy week of seed planting and pricking out seedlings means I’ve already filled our two cold frames. I’ve discovered, there’s something quite satisfying about growing seeds… I think. So far so good. I’ve now gone crazy and ordered 5 packets of seeds from a friend who is putting in an order with a UK seed supplier. It was heaven browsing the pages of an English seed catalogue and reading about the various varieties . As well as some herbs, pot marigold and iceberg lettuce, I did splash the cash and ordered some blight F1 resistant cherry tomato seeds. Does F1 mean I can’t regrow tomatoes from the fruit next year? Ponderous, consults google.

1. Growing a Lime Tree in a Container

Growing a lime tree in pot
Growing a lime tree in pot

A few weeks ago I made a spur of the moment purchase of a Bearss lime tree. Perhaps it was not the best choice for a container as I’ve just discovered it can grow to 20ft … ha ha… I better remember to prune it regularly. It needs watering 2- 3 times a week and must never be allowed to dry out.

2. Growing Cucumber in Pots

Dare I say, the one salad crop that grows well in pots is cucumbers. We purchased four cucumber plugs from the farmers market early February. I kept them on the terrace until two weeks ago when I planted them in pots using a plastic mini-cloche to protect them from the windchill until they become established.

Cucumbers grow well in pots
Cucumbers grow well in pots

So far so good, and baby cucumbers are already beginning to appear.

cucumbers grow well in pots
cucumbers grow well in pots

3. Growing Spring Onions in Containers

The onion seedling (resembling chives) were planted on the 5th of February and are now ready for harvesting.

Growing spring onions in containers
Growing spring onions in containers

4. Growing Lettuce in Containers

The 15 mixed lettuce seedling plugs I planted on the 5th of February are now ready for harvesting. I should mention, I only crop the baby leaves as and when required, rather than harvesting a fully grown lettuce. I will buy another 15 end of April so the next crop is ready for harvesting Mid May.

Growing lettuce in container
Growing lettuce in container

5. Growing Strawberries in Containers

Fortunately for me, strawberries grow very well in containers. This year, however, I failed to cover the strawberries as they ripened and the blackbirds ate them. This one escaped!

growing strawberries in containers
growing strawberries in containers

This week I discovered two of the containers of strawberry plants had the dreaded white bug that eats the roots, so rather than attempt to clean/disinfect the roots I’ve decided to bin the plants as they were old and scraggy and buy new. Soil dumped and containers sterilized.

6. What’s Growing in Our Raised Vegetable Garden?

Our raised vegetable garden is small yet productive.

Raised vegetable garden
Raised vegetable garden

At the moment we have

  • Rocket  self-seeded from last year
  • Red cabbage
  • Onions (red)
  • French Beans
  • Peas
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower


Raised veg area - March 2019
Raised veg area – March 2019

That’s my gardening six for this Saturday. Why not pop over to The Propagator’s Blog to check out other other garden bloggers

Related Post: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in Pots – April

21 thoughts on “SoS: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in Containers – March

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  1. Growing cabbage is a challenge. the bugs love them. I’m not sure if it was late or early when I planted them as I just go to the farmers market andy what the old Portuguese buy which is usually a good indicator. If it was not for watching them and their buying habits I would not have a clue 😦


  2. It looks so Californian, except you have cabbage! I suppose we ‘could’ grow cabbage. I just have not done so in quite a while, and certainly not so late. Incidentally, we are just a few miles from the Salinas Valley, where most cabbage here comes from!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. As some have said, F1 are hybrids bred for certain desirable characteristics. You can often grow something from the resulting seed but they are highly unlikely to resemble the parent and may be disease prone, taste like crap or just not grow very well. Heritage varieties are what you need if you want to collect seed. Good luck with all your fruit and veg plans.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Blight resistance might well be a characteristic bred into an F1 variety. Heritage in a seed context just means open pollinated but comes true, usually historic varieties that have been grown for decades.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Since I discovered the ‘cut again salad’ (i like this description) I’ve saved a fortune and it’s always available when I want it. This winter I maybe able to keep the cucumbers going through the winter by using the cloches. we will see


  4. A great edible SoS. I’ve got some chives ready to sow but after reading your Six I think I may also try spring onions in a pot.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Katharine, I am fortunate with the micro-climate I have. in my garden. I do use mini cloches to cover some of the salad crops. I’m not sure what I’d do if I was in the UK because it’s not just the cold it is the lack of daylight hours.


  5. A week of planting in containers: everything you did seems reasonable to me …
    About tomatoes F1, yes normally you can’t expect to have seedlings from the seeds but for having tried, it works from time to time …

    Liked by 1 person

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