Portuguese Heritage – Fado

The theme for this week’s WordPress photo challenge is Heritage. Thinking of the words ‘heritage’ and ‘Portugal’ in the same sentence the first thing that comes to mind is Fado.

We were fortunate to see the highly acclaimed Fado singer Mariza in concert in 2010. It is one of those treasured memories that will always stay with me.

Mariza in concert - Lagos 2010
Mariza in concert – Lagos 2010

Dating back to the early 1900’s Fado (destiny/fate) is traditional Portuguese music with its roots in Lisbon. From my experience of listening to Fado I can only describe it as the voice of a soul in torment. The fadista (singer) usually sings about the harsh realities of daily life and is extremely melancholy. Expression also plays an important part of the performance with anguish not only portrayed in the voice but also in the facial expressions.

Mariza in concert 2010
Mariza in concert 2010

The fadista can be male or female and is often accompanied by guitars including a Portuguese guitar

The Challenge

This week, share a photo of something that says “heritage” to you. It can be from your own family or culture — a library, a work of public art, a place of worship, an object passed down to you from previous generations. Or, like me, you can choose to focus on a tradition to which you don’t belong, but to which you’ve been exposed whether through travel, moving, or the people in your life.

Related posts: Fado is like Marmite (or should that be Veggiemite?)
Useful websites:

13 thoughts on “Portuguese Heritage – Fado

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  1. It’s interesting Carole, that when I lived in Portugal I couldn’t care less about Fado, but now that I live away, if I hear a Fado it actually moves me.
    Mariza is a very talented fado artist.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m lucky my hubby likes it as much as I do . . we went to a fabulous concert in Olhao a few years ago, and always recommend to tourists they go to the Fado museum in Tavira.


      1. Do you know I don’t think I have!! Must rectify that as have pictures . . .will try and sort soon. In meanwhile in case you head off to Tavira before I’ve written it the museum is called Fado com História and is located next to the Misericórdia Church

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for this interesting post just asking me to do homework after hours! Have never been to Portugal and, to the best of my knowledge, have never listened to the fado: well, just now briefly on YouTube. Shall return 🙂 ! However have visited Spain, particularly Madrid, and the first places our [Estonian] Ambassador took us were cellars where flamenco was sung: more lively and dramatic methinks – I found it difficult to comprehend yet fascinating at the same time . . . . perchance it is time to go back to both and learn and enjoy . . . even from a distance . . .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LoL. Sorry, Eha.
      Flamenco is more lively and dramatic. I wrote a post several years ago comparing fado to marmite (vegemit) with a little more detail.
      We went to see some flamenco when we were in Seville a few years ago – I loved it!


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