Delicious Cumin-spiced Carrot and Butternut Squash Soup

This recipe is courtesy of Greedy Girl’s Diet: Eat yourself slim with gorgeous, guilt-free food with permission of the author, Nadia Sawalha

I am always keen to try new recipes especially those which are filling and with not too many calories. My biggest problem with losing weight is that I only have to look at food and I pile on the pounds! I tried this recipe from the “Greedy Girl’s Diet” book and it was absolutely delicious!

Despite Mr. Piglet’s moaning and “tutting” the whole time I was cooking the soup that he did not like ginger or cumin, even he, despite his earlier reservations, agreed it was absolutely scrumptious!

Cumin-spiced carrot and butternut squash soup
Cumin-spiced carrot and butternut squash soup


1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion peeled and finely chopped
3 garlic cloves peeled and finely chopped or crushed
1 red chilli (optional) deseeded if preferred and chopped
1 tsp ground cumin
½ tsp ground ginger
500g / 18oz carrots peeled and cut into chunks
1 medium butternut squash peeled and cubed
1 litre / 1¾ pt chicken or vegetable stock
1 tsp whole cumin seeds
finely chopped fresh coriander to garnish

Heat the oil in a large heavy-based saucepan and gently fry the onion until soft but not coloured, then add the garlic and chilli (if using) and give it all a good stir. Sprinkle in the ground cumin and ginger and stir well to release their aromas. Throw in the carrots and butternut squash, pour in the stock and bring up to the boil. Cover and simmer gently for about 10 minutes until the vegetables are cooked and tender.

Meanwhile, dry-fry the cumin seeds in a small pan to release their aroma. Pour the soup into a blender and blitz until smooth. To serve, ladle into soup bowls, sprinkle the toasted cumin seeds over the top and scatter over some fresh coriander to taste.

Greedy Girl's Diet
Greedy Girl’s Diet

I like the thought of eating myself slim!

Greedy Girl’s Diet: Eat yourself slim with gorgeous, guilt-free food

30 thoughts on “Delicious Cumin-spiced Carrot and Butternut Squash Soup

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  1. Don’t you just love it when a food smells good, taste good and is so pretty to serve.? I think it helps make the meals much more enjoyable. Thanks for the recipe, Sounds mighty tasty. 🙂


  2. I’m so glad that you have discovered Nadia’s book Pip. I’ve been trying to lose weight for longer than I care to remember and always had all the right excuses so there I was still feeling dog tired and still overweight. The inspiration to actually get off my backside and make a start came from the introduction to the book where Nadia describes the “light bulb” moment where it dawns on her why her three year old Kiki has so much more energy than she does. Read that intro and suddenly it all makes sense. Yes, Nadia’s recipes are brilliant but if you start to tire of those just apply the basic principles to any dish you can think of. It’s all about shaving calories off by cutting down on some ingredients and substituting others while still packing bags of flavour into your meals. But you need to start on those recipes first and that Cumin-Spiced Carrot Soup is a cracker.

    For anybody interested if you click on the link through to Amazon in PiP’s post you can actually read that introduction by clicking on, “Click to look inside.”


  3. Sounds yummy! I will probably try this next fall. I would think that any mild fleshed squash would work perfectly. I wouldn’t think a squash like spaghetti would work, but something with the same texture and similar taste would substitute well.

    Tomorrow is another day! The wagon stops by once a day and it’s up to you get on it or pass. 🙂


          1. Yeah I’m not worried about it. I can’t really exercise at the moment because I’m doing physical therapy to mend my Achilles tendon after much waiting for it to consolidate after being torn on holiday at the end of August. I hope to be able to get into the pool in the next couple of weeks. So I’m tracking my food intake primarily. Weight loss is a succession of ups and downs. Good weekend! 🙂


  4. That looks yummy and I can get all of those ingredients here. Do you think it has to be proper butternut squash though, or would Dominican pumpkins work? They are big and round and orange!


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