Piglet’s 2nd Blogiversary

Piglet's blogiversary cake
Piglet’s blogiversary cake

Two years ago today my daughter Piglet in France introduced me to the WordPress blog platform,  and Piglet in Portugal was born.

She patiently (she is not renowned for her patience when demonstrating techie stuff on the PC to Mother) showed me how to make posts, include links and upload photographs, create pages and a blogroll etc.

I missed my first “Blogiversary” due to the excitement of the arrival of our first grandchild in France. So I will celebrate my 2nd instead!

My very first post was Yummy Carrot Cake… mmm. With a name like Piglet you can imagine a recipe was the first idea that came into my mind as my fingers hovered nervously above the keyboard!

Over the next few months I made various posts and visitors came and went, but I was deafened by their silence in the comments section. Was I talking to myself? Didn’t anyone have an opinion, good or bad? So like many new bloggers I found blogging a lonely existence, in fact, so lonely I was even tempted to approve the SPAM comments out of desperation!

Stupidly it never crossed my mind to venture beyond the bounderies of my blog, to seek other bloggers across the globe, until WordPress launched the “postaday” and “postaweek” challenge. I tiptoed tentatively outside my comfort zone and answered their appeal for blogging buddies and, much to my relief and sanity, soon discovered many like-minded bloggers.

Interests varied from crafts, cookery and gardening, to humour, writing and the “meaning of life” to name a few. We supported each other through the “ups” and “downs” with emials, comments and likes, and over time we became virtual friends.

I was going to give a shout out to all my blogging buddies in this post, but if I missed anyone in a senile moment I would feel awful, so please check out some of the great blogs on my blog roll!

As well as being my 2nd Blogiversary this is also my 200th post!

I’ve also created two other blogs over the last year
Portugal in Pictures – A daily snapshot of Portugal. I love taking photographs so the blog is an experiemnt. Not sure about the black background – what do you think?

Portugal in Pictures
Portugal in Pictures

Plus, a healthier eating blog – The Piglets Healthy Eating Blog where PIF and I can share recipes.

The Piglets Healthy Eating Blog
The Piglets Healthy Eating Blog

We are were trying to follow an anti-inflammatory diet. This involved cutting out gluten and dairy from our diet. Although I found this extremely dificult when I stuck rigididly to the new eating plan, I did feel about 20years younger, lost weight, my IBS disappeared and so did my cronic heartburn. Plus I could even see my toes when I looked down at my feet! The diet, unfortunately has fallen by the wayside recently and I’m suffering the consequences. Serves me right – no sympathy please! I’m now back on the wagon so if you have any dairy-free and/or gluten-free recipes please, PLEASE share!

Finally, a big THANK YOU for everyones support over the last two years it’s really appreciated. I’ve met (virtually of course) some wonderful people whose posts have made me laugh and cry plus I have gained so much from their collective knowledge.

PS sorry about the dodgy cake picture above – I painted it out of desperation because  google did not understand my plea for free cake images .  Anyone know of any good “free” cartoon style image sites?

Thanks once again!

78 thoughts on “Piglet’s 2nd Blogiversary

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  1. I’m desperately late to the party, but want to wish you a very happy 2nd blogiversary! I chuckled when you mentioned the deafening silence when no one comments…I was right there with you, considering approving some of the spam. I’m glad you created PiP, keep going.


  2. Happy, if belated, Blogiversary! I have two days off so am trying desperately to pay my favorite people a cyber visit. Your tomatoes tale was sad, but you learnt a lot from an expert!

    Hope those grandchildren are growing madly, as children do! Not being stuck in undersized pots, I am sure they are flourishing!


  3. Hi Mara, or should i say PIP.
    what a great blog – and a slightly belated happy 2nd anniversary on your blog! i am so glad you didn’t find a ready-made cake image, as yours is perfect. it really has character!
    anyhow, i guess that means you have been enjoying grandmotherhood for a year as well. congratulations on that as well!
    what you wrote about your early blogging days brought back some memories for me, too. celebrated my first blogiversary a few months ago. i remember all the posting and the dearth of comments in the early days as well. every once in a while i would venture out and comment on a freshly-pressed post, but for the longest time it was just my laptop and me, counting the ever-increasing posts. a friend from the real world, as opposed to the virtual blogging world, was my only follower for the first couple of months. but being unknown had its own advantages too. it was a chance to grow the blog and develop a style.
    but once i discovered the weekly photo challenge and took the plunge, there was no turning back 🙂
    anyhow, thank you for stopping by my blog. much appreciated. looks like you have a great thing going here, too. happy blogging!


    1. Hi Pix and welcome 🙂
      The photo challenge is certainly a great way to make contact with other bloggers. Your photos are wonderful! Mine are just postcard snaps by comparison. I try not to leave comments on freshly pressed blogs, but seek out bloggers with similar interests. I was freshly pressed once and I felt more like freshly squeezed to be honest. I never had time to reply to all the comments and unfortunately did not have time to visit all the blogs, either.

      hey ho 🙂 ho+pe you are having a great weekend!



  4. Aww you make me blush 😳
    I think the gluten free part is the hardest part and I know I don’t always get it right. I’ve tried all sorts of flour, such as rice and almond. I’ve also tried Spelt. I’m told it has some gluten. As you can imagine it’s not always easy here in Portugal, and buying products in health food shops is VERY expensive 😦


  5. How lovely that I was able to do some blog reading this evening after such a long absence and got to read this one. Congratulations on your anniversary! You are a wonderful presence in the blogging world. And, as to your diet: I say, Go Forth! I, too, have struggled with some dietary changes I made several years ago. I do not eat wheat, but do eat some spelt flour, which is a genetically older version of wheat. I imagine, though, that it is not gluten-free. I eat lots of rice. I also stay away from dairy foods–no cow’s milk at all–with the exception of goat cheese, which I do eat some of. When I overdo my eating and stray too far from lots of veggies, and a little chicken and fish, my body knows it. I’m glad you were able to see some significant benefits from the changes you did make.


  6. Congratulations, I’m so glad you didn’t get discouraged by the silence in the early days 🙂 Just one question… How do you find the time to see to among three blogs and a vegetable patch???


  7. I’m relatively new to your blog and I like the flow of it. Nice to have made it two full years, congratulations! I too follow an anti-inflammatory diet, giving up gluten was difficult, my “fall down” is dairy.

    I’ll be back!


    1. Howdy Wild Bill and welcome 😉 For me the dairy is easy, but the gluten is hell because of the labelling here in Portugal. It’s a long learning curve…I will pop over to your blog and discover more 🙂


  8. Hi EC, I feel the same 🙂 It’s been an incredible journey and I’ve learned soooo much 🙂
    I am resisiting a kindle so can I download these free cookbooks to PC without one? I am off to the UK today, so speak when I return 🙂


    1. Hey Pip

      Yes, thankfully amazon has an app for the pc that makes it possible to download the ebooks to your computer and ‘you don’t have to have a kindle.’ That’s the way I’ve been getting books for about a year. Now that my husband got me my kindle fire for Mother’s day, I download the ebooks to my pc & the kindle fire. I love all the recipe books, it’s wonderful to have such a large variety of them.

      I hope you have a great trip. Have a fun time and take lots of photos.


  9. Congratulations! 2 years is awesome!
    Becoming your blogging buddy has been a great blessing in my life. I’m so thankful that you found me or I found you. I look forward to many more years of blogging with you. (((hugs)))

    I have a suggestion for you:
    Go to Amazon.com
    Get the Kindle ‘app for pc’
    They have hundreds of free ebooks. They rotate them each day, but they usually have a dozen or more cook books. Most are vegetarian and gluten free recipes.
    I have over 2000 FREE kindle ebooks on my pc and add more every day.
    Over 450 of them are cookbooks. lol
    I think my downloading free ebooks obsession is why my husband bought me my Kindle for Mother’s day… 😉


  10. Congratulations – that´s some achievement and I can fully understand why the 1 year anniversary passed by without marking it…much more exciting things were happening!


  11. Congratulations Carole. Well done on keeping us amused with your wonderful stories. I didn´t know you had 2 other blogs, I have now visited them. I´m almost at the 1 year mark! I´m also gluten intolerant but I either modify loved recipes or cook recipes from other GF bloggers.


    1. Hi Sami, thanks 🙂 I struggle with the gluten free aspect here in Portugal as I don’t understand the labels. Health shops are either GErman or Portuguese. So I struggle. Especially with simple things like cornflakes and oats…apparently they have gluten? I need to research further as this was not diagonised by a doctor just myself, by accident.

      I modify many recipes, but I do become frustrated. that is why I became frustrated and gave up after a while. But as I said results speak for themselves, so am back on the wagon. If you ahve any tips you can share that would be great thanks.


  12. Wow – 2 year Blogiversary – that’s some going . . . Congratulations!
    I love your blog, especially about your gardening ups and downs PiP, and your fabulous photos of Portugal.
    Here’s to the next two years!


  13. Happy blogday! And I was just the same as you, writing to no one in particular and then along you came and introduced me to more bloggers and now my blog has hundreds of visitors a day and loads of comments – so a million thanks.


  14. Congratulations, Piglet! I enjoy reading your blog and the exchanges we have. I like your cake! Maybe you should draw cartoon images and offer them to others. 🙂


    1. Thank you Cocomino and thank you for your support :). You post some beautiful photographs to your blog and I love reading about Japan. I’ve just realised although I follow your blog I’d not added you to my blogroll 😳 I have now 🙂


  15. contratulations I read you blog all the time but dont always comment, I lived in Portugal for 3 years am now back in Australia I miss Portugal sooo much especially all the yummy food.


  16. Congratulations! Your cake looks great. And thank you for inspiring me to start blogging and for all your advice.


  17. Hi,
    2nd blogiversary, that is great and congratulations also on your 200th post, that is fantastic.
    I agree, we meet some wonderful people in the blogosphere. 🙂


        1. You’d started the A-z, I notice you also have a page on cookery (But I can’t see any posts), Weekly photo challenge and what about your hobbies? There you go a list to get you started 🙂


          1. Thanks! I’ll see what I can do. I guess I’m just not that inspired to write anymore… I do want to start again though. (no excuse is good enough to stop blogging) The cookery page is still empty because I haven’t posted any recipes yet… Guess I should start baking 🙂


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