#WeekendCoffeeShare – Sad News, Chapel of Bones and Status Quo Concert

What a challenging week! I received an email from the sister of my closest (online friend), Darren White, stating that he had sadly passed away at twenty-six. Darren had always prepared me for the fact that he had not long to live, but as months turned to years and numerous operations later, I filed the fact in the back of my mind and dubbed him the bionic man.

Despite our huge age difference, we bonded through our love of poetry and eventually shared ownership and management of a huge online forum dedicated to writers. We often wrote poetry in collaboration as he tried to mentor me. He was an exceptionally gifted poet for his age. Darren, if you are reading this, don’t blush. Here is one of the poems we wrote.

She brings purple to grey
       braille to fingers
       turns trees to
       chanting dryads

He brings indigo to bleak days
tears down defences
into my essence
to him I am agape
       She is the lightning
       the fierce cracking energy
       spreads her branches
       like eagle’s wide wings

He is the winged horse
muse to my barren mind

    We fly high
    in lucid dreams
    into Elysium
    White maned Pegasus
    gold haired Berenice
    create gravity
    to find Denebola

The seeking eye listens to
dryad chants

Since Darren’s passing, I have been trying to craft a poem in his memory, but so far, my muse is still in mourning, and my creative spirit is numb.


On Thursday, we packed our bags and set off to see Status Quo in concert at the Stone and Musical Festival at the Roman Theater of Merida (Spain) on Friday. En route, we decided to stop off in Evora, have lunch and visit the Chapel of Bones. Wow! I was blown away by this place. (More detailed post to follow)

We carried on our way and onto Merida. Of course, we got lost trying to find the hotel. I don’t trust SatNavs, and we always seem to lose our phone connection at a critical point. Eventually, we pulled up outside the Merida Palace Hotel, a restored 15th-century palace in Plaza de España Square.

After a tiring journey, we showered, unpacked, and wandered out onto the square opposite for a drink. A friend had recently introduced us to Tinto de Verano, a typical Spanish summer drink consisting of red wine, fizzy water or lemonade, and ice. She had made me one to sample a few days before … so I ordered. UM! The bar served me this

I was not expecting such a simple drink to come in a bottle. I took a sip and yuck … it tasted disgusting so I called the waiter over and ordered a gin and tonic. In fairness, he didn’t charge me for the drink.

In the evening, we found a restaurant that served tapas. You can’t go to Spain and not sample tapas. We closed our eyes, ordered, and agreed that whatever came, we would eat. This dish, I think, translated as black prawns, and they were. Cremated on the outside and like a black paste on the inside. UM … interesting …The jury is still out on the taste and texture.

The following day, we spent mooching around the small highstreet shops. Mr. P went to look around some Roman ruins while I parked my walker in the shade and waited. I am unsure what it was, but from where I was sitting, it looked like piles of stones and a wall which you could walk around, except I couldn’t. I think he was also underwhelmed. But we can both tick the box

We had a light lunch and then returned to the room for a siesta to escape the heat of the day in readiness for the purpose of our trip. The Status Quo concert at the Roman Theater. We first saw Status Quo in 1973 in St Albans.

After a long hot walk to the Roman Theater we eventually found the right entrance. which gave me level access to our seats. I am glad we paid the extra because we were in the second row!

The following day, we made the five-hour journey home to the Algarve, the perfect end to what had started as a sad week.

Please don’t forget to check out Darren’s book. His story told through the eyes of a child.

In this harrowing tale, based on true events, Darren White reveals a dark world of child abuse, sex trafficking and survival. White’s unique style of poetry mixed with prose heightens the text to the richest form of literature.

This small book has the power to change forever those who come in contact with it — a soul-shaking message and a profound omen for our time.

Darren, you will remain in my heart.

Thanks to Natalie the Explorer for hosting the Weekend Coffee Share

19 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare – Sad News, Chapel of Bones and Status Quo Concert

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  1. So sorry about the death of your young talented friend. The Chapel of Bones is quite nice, it’s been quite a few years since I visited Evora. Your hotel in Merida looks beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m sorry about your friend. I was in Evora last year and visited the Chapel of Bones. I had tinto de verano in Spain, made fresh and served in a glass. It was quite good. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Natalie.

      I thought the Chapel of Bones was amazing but was not keen on Evora, although we did have a nice lunch there.

      I hope we can return to Spain at some point. Maybe revisit Cordoba or Granada. We will see.


        1. Thanks for the tip re Granada. When we go we will need to find a guided tour with transport. Cordoba we went for a couple of days during the PAtio festival, it was brilliant. We’d like to go again but stay more central.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. I remember seeing Quo at Wembley (Empire Pool). We actually went to see the support band, The Pretty Things, who were, er, Pretty Good. We didn’t know who the main act was when we booked and knew little about them.

    When they came on the volume went up threefold, or so it seemed, and blew the audience away. I remember we were all jumping up and down on the seats.

    A great gig band!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi David,

      We had some of the greatest music in our era and bands actually played their instruments.

      I also remember the Pretty Things!

      SQ are brilliant. I confess I did have some earplugs to hand as we sat in the second row back close to speakers but I was so wrapped up in the music I never needed them. Love Quo and the lastest member of the band.

      Great to hear from you!


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