Garden Diary: Three Bin Composter

My Gnome has been SUPER busy with a new project. After seeing a friend’s three-bin composting system, Gnome kindly agreed to construct something similar to replace my old single bin plastic composter.


Plastic compost bin
Plastic compost bin

I try to recycle/upcycle everything so what we will use this for I’m not sure. At the moment I am leaning towards cutting up the plastic to provide a base for my new composter and using the lid as a working area on my potting bench. Any other ideas?

The wood for the new three-bin compost bin came courtesy of all the old wood and pallets  which we have collected over the years. They were remodeled into panels which we painted with wood preserver and then covered in plastic screening to not only stop the contents spilling, out but snakes and other wildlife getting it. Sorry, I am terrified of snakes.

Building the panels
Building the panels

All the panels finally came together to produce

three bin compost system
three bin compost system

I am now debating whether to cut up the old compost bin to use as a base for each bin. But then I read it is better to just build on earth so the insects can circulate and excess moisture can drain into the ground.

Slots were added to accommodate removable slats for ease of access.

Three section composter
Three-section composter


Three section composter
Three-section composter

A roll down lid was created out of some old plastic sheeting lid if necessary,

And voilá!

Three bin composter
Three-bin composter

Happy composting!

4 thoughts on “Garden Diary: Three Bin Composter

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    1. Yep, but I found that one up the bins years ago 🙂 Unfortunately, plastic is what they make these commercial composters from. 😦 I try not to buy plastic if there is an alternative … and like the plastic crates, I rehome and reuse them 🙂

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