Is this a sign?

This week’s theme for the Weekly Photo Challengeis Wall. Armed with my camera – or should I say new iPad – I’ve been on a mission all week to find a sign that I could relate to. Now, as a self-confessed foodie this sign grabbed my attention. Not because it was bright and garish and demanded to be read, but because it was quietly enticing and sent a clear message about their passion for food.

Food for Thought - Ristorante Paesano, Alvor
Food for Thought – Ristorante Paesano, Alvor

And, enticing enough for me to want to go back and try the restaurant. We will see…

Mr. Piglet does not wait until lunchtime before he starts asking about dinner the discussion usually starts around breakfast!

17 thoughts on “Is this a sign?

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  1. Hi Piglet

    I really like this sign, and your comments.

    Let me know your thoughts when youā€™ve tried the restaurant – weā€™ll be in the Algarve in two weeksā€™ time.

    Kind regards




    1. Hey, Elaine. So do I šŸ™‚ I only think it’s open in the evenings. I’ll have to give them a ring as it’s quite a trek for us! I’ll let you know how we get on. I’ve since added the website, below.


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