Chocolate Beetroot Cake

The following recipe and photograph are courtesy of Colin, one of my blog followers.

When he first suggested the recipe I thought using beetroot AND chocolate in a cake sounded rather bizarre. But then I thought, why not, so this weekend I’m going to give it a try. Anyone else game?

If you cook the cake please don’t forget to send me your photos and I will post to my blog. Any other beetroot recipe suggestions, please?

Now you may think this sounds really strange, but it works amazingly well. After all we are no strangers to carrot cake.

Beeetroot Cake
Beetroot Cake

Serves 6

75g cocoa powder or powdered drinking chocolate
175g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
250g caster sugar
250g cooked beetroot
3 large eggs
200ml corn oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
Icing sugar for dusting


1. Heat the oven to 180°C and line a 20cm round or square cake tin.

2. Sift the cocoa powder, flour and baking powder into a bowl. Mix in the sugar, and set these dry ingredients aside.

3. Purée the beetroot in a food processor

4. Add the eggs one at a time to the purée, then add the vanilla and oil and whiz until it is smooth. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients, add the beetroot mixture and mix it all lightly. Pour into the prepared cake tin.

5. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until an inserted skewer comes out clean (cover with a loose sheet of foil if it starts to brown at about 30 minutes).

6. This cake will not rise a great deal, and the top will crack. After removing from the oven, leave it for 15 minutes before taking it out of the pan. Cool on a wire rack and dust with icing sugar before serving.

Or you could make a chocolate or orange butter cream for the top.

Thanks Colin for sharing the recipe – I can’t wait to try it!

27 thoughts on “Chocolate Beetroot Cake

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  1. This cake is defnitely delicous, molst and light, and has a rich chocolate flavor. I used Chioga beets which I had in the freezer, and Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate. My granddaughter still doesn’t know there were beets in the cake.


  2. I may not be a cake maker or eater but this recipe has ‘drawing power’, especially since I love beetroot and stick it in all kinds of unexpected recipes 🙂 !


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