SOS: Piglet’s Plot -January 2023 – Fruit and Vegetables

Weather in January We have had a mixed bag of weather this January. Everything from Southerly winds, Atlantic storms, heavy rain, night temperatures just above freezing to temperatures around 20C and brilliant sunshine. We have our own micro-climate by the sea. A few miles inland in the valley is much colder so what grows well... Continue Reading →

Creative Ideas: Upcycling Plastic Crates to a Garden Cloche

Upcycling vs. Recycling For some reason I'd always assumed (ass-U-me) that anything we 'reused', rather than throw in the garbage, was  recycling; apparently not. Upcycling is reusing an item, such as the plastic crate pictured below, and creatively using it for something else. While recycling is taking items made of plastic, metal, paper etc. to... Continue Reading →

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