Will Brexit Break Britain?

In years to come I wonder if Britain will regret its decision to leave the EU and if future generations will shake their heads in despair?

I am not a political animal but with the uncertainty of Brexit looming over our heads like a black cloud in a blue sky, I fear for our future. Will this be the end of free movement across Europe for Brits abroad? How will it impact on our daily lives if there is ‘no deal’, and even if there is, life will not be as it was.

What have the government achieved since the referendum in June 2016? Nothing (as far as I can understand).

I’ve tried to follow various political debates regarding Brexit, but have failed miserably to make sense of the constant bickering between the politicians, each intent on scoring points. Bitching while Britain is burning. The rats responsible for creating this chaos saw the writing on the toilet wall and immediately jumped ship leaving the UK to be led by a government of headless chickens with no viable alternative in opposition. Each party working towards it own ends and each with its own hidden agenda. They argue constantly over Theresa May’s deal with Europe yet it is what she agreed and signed off. Am I wrong in that assumption and to ask the question: Surely the time to seek Parliament’s approval was before she signed off on the deal, not after or have I misunderstood? And Ireland. Did people who voted to leave fully understand the impact of hard borders etc. etc.

We have friends of various nationalities and they are equally bewildered by Brexit. I used to be proud to be English, now I am just embarrassed.

Knowing what we know now, and the fact we are wiser in hindsight, I wonder which way the vote would swing if we had another referendum?

34 thoughts on “Will Brexit Break Britain?

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  1. I voted ‘remain’ but, I admit, with a degree of reluctance. The direction of travel of the EU is alarming – it’s ultimate goal, of course, being a fully united Europe politically and monetarily with one centralized government. More passionate supporters of the EU may even welcome this outcome – personally it is anathema to me.

    Ultimately though, the referendum outcome should have been implemented within 6 months of it happening – easily achievable.

    Now, almost three years later, the conversation should have been “It’s worked out fine so let’s carry on” or “It’s been a disaster, let’s apply to rejoin”.

    That is democracy at work.

    Allowing the process to drag on has been completely undemocratic and has damaged our democracy greatly. I’m uncertain it will recover.

    I understand the alarm of ‘remainers’ regarding leaving – I voted remain – but, for democracies sake, we should have left within 6 months of the referendum.

    Our politicians in parliament, with a small number of exceptions, are enemies of democracy. The establishment pay lip service to democracy as long as they like the way the people have voted.

    There will be trouble ahead – and the politicians are to blame, not the little people regardless of how they voted.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It’s not really free movement if we have to pay billions into EU coffers! Having said that, my wife’s Italian so Brexit would be inconvenient for us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bone, we are sick of listening to the bickering politicians. It seems Teresa May or May not, can’t get her deal through Parliament despite several attempts, yet we ‘the people’ can’t have a second referendum. What are they scared of if the ‘people’ have spoken.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What makes me really angry is the erg group, who want to cash in on the disaster, and have no interest in how a no -deal will ruin the UK. And yet May etc are pandering to them! Why are these gits so influential, they are certainly not patriotic, as they claim! They just want to get even richer, with their offshore assets untaxed. They bring nothing but shame to the UK

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are more than likely right concerning any number of the ERG Group. However, saying a ‘no-deal’ Brexit would ruin the UK is a ‘belief’ not a fact. You may be right or you may be wrong.

      That is the major flaw in the arguments of both leave and remain camps. They are expressing ‘beliefs’ that no-deal would be fine or harmful. Even when they wheel out ‘experts’ to support their beliefs, the experts, whilst experts in finance, business or what ever, are not experts on Brexit. Nobody is or can be as it has never happened before.

      The ‘experts’ are using their expertise in what ever field to express their beliefs.

      The only ‘fact’ is that leave won the referendum. And I say that as someone who voted remain.

      Had we left in short order, without a deal probably, we would, by this time, have known factually whether it was harmful to us or otherwise – also, democracy would have been served.

      Had it proven harmful then your ‘belief’ could now be established as a fact and, I imagine, we would be seeking to rejoin.

      We can’t operate a democracy on belief, only on the ballot box. If we ignore the ballot box result because we don’t like it, democracy dies.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Had the government instigated the outcome of the original referendum and we had left – preferably within about 6 months to give us time to prepare – and it had proved disastrous, then another referendum would be fine. However, you can’t hold another referendum when the original has never been acted upon. I voted ‘remain’ but our democracy is more important than our fears about leaving. We should have left, without a deal if necessary. If it had worked, job done. if not, then another referendum regarding rejoining would have been democratic. What has happened is resolutely not democratic.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The principle is sound! Look after your own interests while Europe falls further into endless despair.
    I promise, you will see more and more how the open borders negatively affects you, especially in Southern Europe. I saw signs of trouble brewing there in the Algarve as long ago as 2008/ 2009, when I was last there. Yet Angela Merkel (and her cronies) keep opening more borders… and passing totally alien laws… and suppressing the truth about the immigration problems!
    Anyway, I hope the UK pushes through and with resolve makes it work. I also believe the lot at the EU HQ are really the scaremongers… why? Because they know there are other counties that are sick of them running the show for only their own perceived good… imagine one of the Western European mainland countries voting for exit soon… boy oh boy… then the real fun will begin!! Domino effect?

    OK… I’ll go on now… before you all think I live in cloud-cuckoo land! 😵

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I don’t believe that Brexit will break Britain. I think it will pass without significant incident just like the millennium bug scare. If anything economically the UK can only gain by trading with many customers rather than one that sets all the rules.
    I sense that your concern is that your freedom of movement to visit your children in France may end but I don’t think you need worry. I voted to Leave because I want my descendants to grow up in a self governing country that makes laws for it’s people, not for the citizens of 28 countries.
    Where I agree with you is that the government have made a real hash of the last two and a half years. Also the issue has divided Britain, or at least brought the division to a head.
    I know someone who has a remained daughter who has moved to Scotland and cut herself off from the rest of her leaver family. Incredible!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I have two thoughts. The first is that many of the pro-Brexit voters had no idea of the circumstances and conditions of the exit. Given this, a second vote seems necessary. I certainly understand the position that a second vote undermines confidence in democratic principles. Which brings me to my second point. It has been suggested that the Russian troll farms and Cambridge Analytica had a hand in the first vote. There is a reason that pre-vote polling suggested a different result than what happened, just as occurred in the US 2016 election. There needs to be a very public investigation into Russian interference in the Brexit vote and if the interference can be established, that justifies a second vote.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. All too confusing for me too, but I fear Great Britain will be worse off if they break off from the European Union. Too many people will be affected with immigration, jobs, etc

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Looking on from the Antipodes my heart breaks for Great Britain. Think the majority who voted for leaving EU did so for emotional and oft incorrect reasons (with racism playing a big enough part) they themselves were unable to analyse. Many were supposed to be ‘against the elite’ ! Most had no understanding whatsoever about possible future circumstances. Let’s face it: only 70% of the populace voted to begin with and 48^ voted against leaving – hardly a joyous agreement! As of yesterday the major polls say that if there was a new vote tomorrow 59% would stay – a very small change of heart to my way of thinking and the country would look somewhat foolish but at least Brexit would be over! I read aghast this morning that Honda has decided to leave Britain because of Brexit leaving over 3000 new unemployed: that is the tip of the iceberg! . . . . The Queen is but a figurehead – there is nought whatsoever she can do . . . the Royalty cannot openly speak of such matters nor give advice . . .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The thing about Honda the news was leaked via social media before the announcement was made to the workers.It will have a huge impact on the town with a knock on effect to so many livelihoods. Companies are already anxious about continuity of supply etc. They can’t plan for the future. Honda won’t be the first to leave or the last. Apparently their decision is not down to Brexit ,,, and was that a little pig who just flew past my window

      There is so much party infighting within the Conservatives and Labour it’s a joke. I have decided not to watch the news for a week and focus on things that are in my control.


  9. The government has made a mess of the negotiations, the EU offered a deal similar to Canada in the early days. The PM wanted her own deal and in my opinion has been one of the most deceitful and dishonest PM of all time not least to her own ministers. You are right to think you would obtain parliamentary agreement before signing the agreement, but she and her advisers arrogantly thought they could force it though.
    At least Portugal, a long friend of the UK, has passed legislation to accept the British Passport after March 29th and I will continue to buy Portuguese wine.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. It’s a mess, and I am convinced the Leave supporters actually didn’t think the public vote would go their way and had no plans whatsoever to implement. 17.4m people voted to leave and we appear to be no nearer a settlement than we were in June 2016. It’s a worry, whatever happens.

    Liked by 2 people

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