Hot Cross Buns to share with friends at Easter!

Piglet in Portugal

According to English folklore there are many superstitions surrounding hot cross buns. My favorite superstition is accompanied by the rhyme…

“Half for you and half for me,
Between us two shall goodwill be”

Apparently, if you share a hot cross bun while saying the above words it is meant to ensure friendship throughout the coming year.

This is my first attempt at making “Hot Cross Buns” so here’s to sharing them with all my blogging buddies… HaPpY eAsTeR!

Hot Cross Buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday served either hot or toasted. Some believe the cross symbolizes The Crucifixion while others maintain the buns pre-date Christianity. The cross in Saxon times was in honour of the goddess Eostre and symbolized the four quarters of the moon.

For the buns
2 oz caster sugar, plus 1 teaspoon
5fl oz hand-hot water
1 level tablespoon dried yeast
1lb plain flour

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Hot Cross Buns – To Share with Friends

According to English folklore there are many superstitions surrounding hot cross buns. My favorite superstition is accompanied by the rhyme... “Half for you and half for me, Between us two shall goodwill be” Apparently, if you share a hot cross bun while saying the above words it is meant to ensure friendship throughout the coming... Continue Reading →

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