SoS: Growing Fruit and Vegetables in Containers in May

For this week's Six on Saturday, I focus on some of the fruit and vegetables we grow in pots with varying degrees of success. Growing fruit and vegetables or indeed any plants in containers, creates various challenges, which include: Too much water or not enough: I use a moisture meter because often the top couple... Continue Reading →

SoS: Seed Share – Seeds Glorious Seeds!

It's not been gardening weather this week. High winds, heavy rain, and squalls are not exactly conducive to going outside to the garden beyond making sure everything undercover is watered; the snails and caterpillars aren't harvesting my kale, spinach, and lettuce, and nothing has blown away. I am a fair-weather gardener. I am not moaning--we... Continue Reading →

SoS: Mystery Agave Problem, Plastic Food Trays and Garden Projects

This week's Six on Saturday's gardening endeavours have once again been set against a backdrop of intermittent showers, sun and strong winds. I'm not complaining. We desperately need the rain. The only downside is the mosquitoes that are always so delighted to see me when I venture out into the garden. The daily temperatures have... Continue Reading →

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