Wildflowers in Portugal: Prangos Trifida

Do you enjoy photographing wildflowers, bugs, birds, snakes, and other curiosities in the wild?

I decided to revisit the meme I created ‘Wild Wednesday”, where I share a photograph of wild flora or fauna in my local Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina area. Why not join me, share your photo on your blog, and leave a link in the comments below?

This week’s choice: Prangos Trifida, also known as Erva-Isqueira (Herb Lighter) (I also call it the COVID plant as the flowers remind me of the Coronavirus symbol.

Flowers: April – July

For more information on the Prangos Trifida, please check out


Map: https://flora-on.pt/?q=Prangos

Como citar este mapa

F.Clamote, J.D.Almeida, A.Carapeto, P.V.Araújo, P.Beja, M.J.Correia, J.Lourenço, M.Porto, et al. (2024). Lupinus luteus L. – mapa de distribuição. Flora-On: Flora de Portugal Interactiva, Sociedade Portuguesa de Botânica. http://www.flora-on.pt/#wLupinus+luteus. Consulta realizada em 19/06/2024

Prangos trifida

My thanks to a FB group called Wild Flowers, Plants and Trees of Portugal, who helped me identify the plant.

Related Posts: https://pigletinportugal.com/wild-flowers-in-portugal/

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