Problems With My Geraniums -Stem Rot

When I bought my geraniums at the beginning of March they were healthy and produced lots of repeat flowers. I religiously dead-headed the plants on a regular basis and fed with MiracleGro to encourage growth.

Healthy Geraniums in March
Healthy Geraniums in March


Healthy Geraniums in March
Healthy Geraniums in March

by April the flower stalks had started to rot. I sprayed with a fungal spray but it did not seem to make a difference.

Geranium flower stalks turned brown and started to rot
Geranium flower stalks turned brown and started to rot

then i noticed the main fleshy stems were rotting from the inside. When I cut the geranium stem open it was rotten inside.

Sickly Geraniums
Sickly Geraniums


Geranuium rotting inside the stalk
Geranuium rotting inside the stalk


Something is also burrowing in the geranium leaves!
Something is also burrowing in the geranium leaves!

Within a couple of months I now have two sickly tubs of geraniums

tub of sickly geraniums
tub of sickly geraniums

After extensive research I now think they have stem rot. I am gutted. I thought geraniums were meant to be easy to grow. Has anyone else experienced this problem with geraniums?

Useful links
How to Save Geraniums with Rot
PDF file

Click to access A2559.pdf

#geraniums #stemrot

2 thoughts on “Problems With My Geraniums -Stem Rot

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  1. There is a brownish coloured moth which you will see around the geraniums in june. It lays eggs and they hatch and burrow into the stem cutting of the transport system. You will see small holes all along the woody stems if u look closely. The only thing u can do is to try and protect them from the moth.

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