Do you care about the environment?

National Geographic will be streaming Leonardo DiCaprio’s environmental documentary ‘Before the Flood ‘ entirely free from October 30th till November 6th.

Before the Flood will also be available on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, iTunes and Google Play, in over 170 countries and 45 languages.

National Geographic says it’s distributing the movie for free as part of its cause to spread the word about the dangers of climate change. This marks the first time the popular nature channel has made one of its productions entirely available for free.


If you care about the environment please share and spread the word.

Article ref: TNW

8 thoughts on “Do you care about the environment?

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  1. Of course, it is man’made ‘climate change!’ Logically and just somewhat knowledgeably thinking how can it not be so!! What is there so difficult in understanding that if you put ‘shit’ into the world, you also have to ‘clean it up’ !! I am more than somewhat ashamed that Australia is still dollar-greedy for that of coal . . . yes, well . . .


      1. Just to say: two of my ‘bestest’ blogfriends have either adopted the topic for the day or made strong comments . . . just so you know!!


  2. I get confused when I hear talk of ‘climate change’; do many people still assume this means ‘man-made climate change’? After all, climate change is a constant in the history of the Earth. Is it right to try to intervene in natural climate change, and maybe produce some unwanted, long-term effects?


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