A “Family” of Storks

This post was inspired by the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge This week’s theme is “Family”

Baby Storks, May 2011
Baby Storks, May 2011

I spotted this family of storks nesting on an outcrop of rocks in the ocean near my house. However, I was a little surprised by this location because up to this point I’d only seen storks nesting on chimneys or poles. A nest just perched on an outcrop without even the benefit of shelter from cliffs, was in my opinion, a rather inhospitable choice. What about the strong winds and the force of the waves crashing against the rocks, driving the spray onto the ledge above? Would the babies be safe? Sadly, many fishermen who are determined to fish from the most perilous locations to catch the best fish, lose their lives as they are swept into the turbulent swell below.

What chance did this family have?

Will they meet the same fate as the fishermen?

Family of Storks perched perilously on the rocks in the Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vincentina

On a practical note, I often wonder when I see nests perched precariously in such locations, how birds actually “secure” their nests. It does make you stop and think, then admire the ingenious ways in which wildlife adapts to their environment…

Are humans still this adaptable or have we long put aside our caveman instincts and our creative ability to survive?

44 thoughts on “A “Family” of Storks

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  1. The Costa Vicentina is the only known place in the world where the white stork nests on sea cliffs. You’re very fortunate to have the opportunity to enjoy it.


  2. Yes it is remarkable… I saw a bird’s nest recently that was in the oddest place and I wondered if the nest would make it through the winter… Great choice. 🙂


  3. I think the the wildlife is way ahead of us humans when it comes to being adaptable. Those pictures are wonderful…great captures of the storks. Hugs


  4. Wonderful photo Pip, You have a good eye for great shots. It is lovely to see a family of storks in the nest. It did get me wondering about how storks managed before we humans started to erect poles and chimneys. In answer to your question – It was easy for me to adapt to central heating and ensuite bathrooms.


    1. …but how do you manage now you don’t have central heating 🙂 We only have a log fire and it was very tough at first as each room is a different temperature…If we go out for the evening we need to remember to light a fire before we go. I’d be spoilt now if we had Central heating.


      1. We have a log fire in the living room and one in the bedroom. The one in the bedroom is lovely as we end up falling asleep just watching the flames instead of reading. I have to admit we are using electric fires around the rest of the house as we have visitors – we have not had an electric bill yet so am not sure if that will continue.
        by the way my attempt with curry was not too bad. It was a lot of effort though so I think I will leave it to the experts in future.


        1. Hi Clara,
          I can imagine watching the flames of the fire as you fall asleep must be quite hyptnotic!
          If you are using a lot of electic
          I’ve bought all the spices for curry but as yet not cooked a complete curry recipe. Need to take some time out to do this.

          the saffron is probably the best option!


  5. I have never seen a bird nest on a pole or a chimney…maybe its because we have so many trees here there is no need to choose such a precarious nesting place.


  6. I agree with you, I’ve often wondered how nests survive and the birds have families in the wind and weather.
    I believe humans will survive regardless, but as to how well they do at it… well…
    Very thoughtful post and photos for the challenge. 🙂


  7. Great choice for the challenge PiP!
    It does look a perilous place to make a nest for the family of storks – what if one of the babies fell out – it would be lost for sure. But they seem to know what they’re doing and they survive. Humans are born worriers I think!


  8. Beautiful photos, Carole! And I admire the way you write. Perhaps waves and wind pose less threat than that from man? I see that you took the shot in May—perhaps we, your faithful readers, might look forward to another spring shot in 2012?
    Virtual hugs from the northern hinterlands,


    1. Thanks Jan and virtual {{{hugs}}}
      I will certainly be back next May to see if the storks return. It was lucky I had my camera with me that day. Just a shame my zoom lens is not stronger for a better quality picture.


    1. Hi RNP,
      I remember when we came to Canada/Alaska we saw bald eagles. We watched them in the wild as we sat in a little canoe near the base of a glasier. Amazing!
      I’d never seen storks before except on baby cards!


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