Savoury Pear Delight Piglet’s “Foodie Friday” Recipe Challenge

OK, OK so I win no prizes for my food photography!

Savoury Pear Delight
Savoury Pear Delight

I promise it tastes far better than it looks in this picture so any food photography tips gratefully received!

One of my New Year’s Resolutions
is to research and cook one new recipe each week.

This weeks recipe “Savoury Pear Delight” was kindly supplied by “Knight” a fellow Expat in Portugal. The sweet pear and the blue cheese made an interesting combination to tease Piglet’s taste buds. The verdict; absolutely delicious and so quick to prepare!

Savoury Pear Delight

1 Ripe Dessert Pear
Danish Blue Cheese
Philadelphia Soft Cream Cheese (or similar)
2 lettuce leaves
Juice of 1 lemon
pinch of paprika.

Take the ripe pear and remove skin. Cut in half. Remove core.
squeeze lemon juice on pear to prevent going brown.
Place on flat dish on top of lettuce leaf
Fill core with generous portion of blue cheese.
Mix soft cheese to creamy consistency with milk and pour over filled pear
Put a pinch of paprika on top.

ENJOY – it is a great starter for a dinner party!

If you enjoy something a little “quirky” you may also enjoy
Sweet Potato Chilli Mash:

Come on folks please don’t forget to share your recipes for me to try.

24 thoughts on “Savoury Pear Delight Piglet’s “Foodie Friday” Recipe Challenge

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  1. Sounds wonderful and ripe for lots of personal touches and variation! For people who aren’t such big fans of mega-doses of blue cheese, how about putting the chopped walnuts in the center and mixing the blue with the Philadelphia & milk to pour over the top.


  2. Oh My..I could make a Pig of myself with this tasty delight, but I wouldn’t want to Boar you and Hog the spot light…..

    spread the Humor:


  3. Hi Gladys, thanks for dropping by from the USA…your views are “interesting” as this ain’t meat its pear! LOL 🙂 🙂 I appologize my foodie pictures are not that good but they are not that bad either…or are they?


  4. Honestly, when I first saw your photo of the meat, I thought it was uncooked. And I said to myself, Yeeeech!” But after I read your explanation, I understood why it looked the way it did. But I don’t think I’ll try it anytime soon. Thanks.


  5. Delicious. My goodness Pip, you make such mouth watering yummy recipes.
    Gosh, I bet the Pear Delight was awesome. I love pears.


    1. Hi..
      love the sound of adding the grapes I’m def going to try that next time! As for my photo…you have not spotted some blue cheese peeping through…make it look like it’s going mouldy 😦


  6. I love the list of ingredients…will have to try this one. As for food photography, I am no expert, but I have found taking multiple shots at different angles and using as much natural light as possible and no flash. I typically will take a series of 5 or 6 pictures zooming in a little closer with each shot until I am using the macro setting to get the close up. Trial and Error just like everything in our lives.


    1. Hi Jean,
      I took muliple shots but it was only when I’d published the post and dleted the other pics that I noticed it looked like there was mould growing on my offering! Well it was blue chees underneath…but even so 😳


  7. Hi PiP, well it does look interesting! I’m not that crazy about blue cheese.

    I like paprika, but I’m wondering what it would taste like having Cinnamon sprinkled on top instead and maybe tossing in some raisins. 🙂


    1. I’m not crazy about blue cheese either but couple with the pear and hidden under the cream chees sauce it was delicious!
      I loved your idea of also making it into a dessert with raisins an cinnamon.
      I think walnuts and honey would also go well … 🙂


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